reunion time (edited)

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(Author's notes)





// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

(In this chapter I am warning in advance that I have nothing against gay people)

Last time
After a few seconds Koro-sensei told Ayame to go to her seat, She walked up the rows towards karma, and everyone's jaws dropped when they both hugged each other. Karma then said "it's good to see you, it's been a while hasn't it, Ayame" The strawberry blonde nodded and smirked at the redhead before going and sitting in her seat. From here on out starts class E's new adventures


The class continued as normal with Ayame slowly adjusting to how things are done in E-class. Then shortly after 3rd period, " enjoy your 40-minute break student, while I head over to Italy for some more gelato maybe this time I'll actually be able to eat it." Korosensei announced sending a small glance in Karma's direction before speeding off at Mach 20, everyone left their seats to go and talk to their friends, although in reality, they were all attempting to listen to and watch the exchange between both Ayame and Karma.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you something Aya," karma said seriously, the eyes of the class slightly widened at the nickname, unfortunately for them, they didn't realise that they took a step closer, which caught the duo's attention. Karma fed up with his classmates' clearly failing attempts of trying to be sneaky and nosy stood from his desk and walked outside bringing Ayame with him. Immediately the class made a beeline for the window, and while they couldn't properly hear what was going on they could observe their interaction. They only caught snippets of the conversation.

"What........please..........kill..........bastard!" Coming from Karma when they saw him touch Ayame's cheek to which she flinched in pain and said something to Karma. Ayame nodded her head smiling sadly at the redhead boy.

Now, the full conversation went like this

"What happened to your cheek?" Karma asked, "I don't know what you are talking about." Ayame replied, the redhead bit back the growl of frustration that was about to come out and reached over and grazed his thumb gently over her cheek, which in turn caused Ayame to flinch away because of the pain. The strawberry-blonde girl didn't say anything until the redhead said "please Aya, please trust me, you know I don't like to see you hurt. You are one of the only few people I have in my life that I wouldn't hesitate to kill for." Ayame weighed the pros and cons in her head before finally locking eyes with her childhood friend and responded," My father smacked me because my grades had fallen from second to sixth place. He promised that if I fail to raise my grades by midterms then there will be severe repercussions." karma shook in anger.

Ayame saw this and smiled sadly at Karma, tears started to fall from her eyes, "the next time I see that asshole, I'm gonna kill him. How dare that bastard do that to you" he let his anger out through his words, once done he turned to his friend and saw her crying, he pulled her into a hug, as she winced violently, which immediately caught the redheads attention, he quickly peered down at the female in his arms "Aya... what else is injured?" The strawberry blond stayed silent and cried into his chest at both the physical and emotional pain, while he gently ran his fingers through her hair, before gently picking her up and taking her to an empty classroom.

Closing and locking the door behind him, karma placed the young female down on an old desk before handing her his black blazer. Looking quizzically at him as she held the blazer, he replied "use it to cover your front, you seem to be in quite a lot of pain from your back, I want to have a look and make sure it doesn't need medical attention." Her eyes widened as she finally comprehended what he was asking, she shook her head thoroughly "hell no, no way am I undressing in front of you Karma!" Sighing deeply he turned around "I won't look, just remove your shirt and wear my blazer back to front that way I can examine your back." Realising he wasn't going to take no for an answer, she began to do what he asked as quickly as possible while musing to herself about how much more overprotective the male was compared to when he was younger. "*sigh* you can turn around now." Once turned around he motioned her to sit on the desk while he walked around to look at her back. However the second he caught a glimpse of the very large dark purple almost black coloured bruise that spanned from her the top of her shoulder blades to just above the waistline of her skirt he froze. "Aya, you really need to get this seen to by a doctor or better yet seen to at the hospital." The male said. "No! I can't, if my dad finds out he has actually hurt me things are only going to get worse!"Ayame responded diligently.

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