Attack time (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"Venomous speaking"

'Venomous thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time
An unnerving feeling settled in his stomach. 'What is this feeling?' Asano thought. He had a very bad feeling about the next day. He knew to trust his gut feeling as the last time this happened was when his father's personality changed into the strict and cruel person that he was now.


"I wonder if Sakakibara showed Asano that picture he took of Akabane and Ayame. He was in so much of a rush he didn't even notice me standing a little bit away from him taking the same picture. Oh well, at least Principal Asano has been informed of this development."


The rest of the Kyoto trip passed uneventfully, and once again all of the students of kunugigoaka high school arrived back on campus, before heading home to unpack their things. The same thing could not be said for the Asano twins, especially Ayame who has had sinking feelings for the last day and a half. Slowly she allowed her gaze to wander to her red-haired companion, "Karma... I don't feel good, something bad is going to happen." Karma looked at the girl concerned, as he knew the survival instincts she acquired from her living environment had never been wrong before, and neither had his which had also been leaning towards the negative over the last half of the trip. Ayame's bad feeling intensified as her sights landed on her twin, who was staring back at her with a face as pale as her own.

Grabbing her bag, the strawberry blonde bid farewell to her classmates and approached her brother, "Shuu, what's wrong?" Her brother shook his head, "I don't know, but I've had a bad feeling since the end of the first day of the trip, Aya." There was a silence reigned between the pair before it was by Gakushuu, "Sis, you would tell me if you started dating someone...right?" This caught his sister off guard, "w-why do you ask?" Silently she cursed the fact that the stuttered. Taking a deep breath Gakushuu mentally worded his response, "I know about you and Akabane, someone I trust, showed me a picture of you kissing Akabane, please don't worry, I made sure they deleted the picture and I deleted the copy off my phone that they sent me, father won't hear about it from me." Ayame stared at her brother in a state of shock, which caused him to chuckle slightly, "Always the look of surprise. I may heavily disapprove of you choosing Akabane, but even I have to admit, that out of everyone in this school and that we know of, he is the only person that can truly look after and protect you when needed. Again, I may hate the guy, but if you love and trust him, and he makes you happy, then... then that is enough for me, I will just have to learn to live with it. However, should he intentionally hurt you in any way shape or form, well let's just say they won't find his body." A wolfish grin lit up his face.

Slowly, the pair began making their way towards the school gate where their father's car was awaiting Gakushuu. As they approached Ayame went to bid farewell to her brother and was about to begin her walk home, when the driver stopped her. "My Apologies Miss Asano, but I have been advised to drive the both of you home." With a quick exchange of fearful looks, the twins stiffly and shakily entered the vehicle.

Karma and all the other E-class students watched in unmasked shock at the casualty with which the twins conversed especially when the male Asano twin started chuckling. However, what all but Karma were oblivious to was the look of absolute terror in the eyes of the twins as they entered the car. But, before he realised that his bad feeling had reached their peak, the car had already disappeared taking both siblings away, removing his chance of stopping the girl from leaving. With a quick goodbye to his classmates, he started walking out of the school. When he was far enough away he made a beeline for the Asano residence, dare he say it he actually prayed that their bad feeling was wrong this time, he really did hope.

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