Introduction to assassination time (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"Ayame's sadistic side speaking"

'Ayame's sadistic side thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

(Just so I can work my timelines correctly, canonically Takaoka appeared after the Kyoto trip. Which as it isn't mentioned I am going to say both of these events happened in late April early may. Also because of being in the hospital Ayame and Karma do not meet Takaoka).

Last time
Ayame chuckled at the pair, but mainly at Sakakibara's expression before narrowing her eyes as she spotted something on his shoulder, "Sakakibara-Kun, you have something on your shoulder." Letting go of her hand karma walked over to see what she had spotted. Looking closely he saw a wireless mic, plucking it off his uniform he said, "just a bug is all". Walking over to the window he threw the mic out of it. Looking around the grounds outside he spotted the distinct yellow blur that could only belong to Koro-Sensei and sighed, before walking over and clasping Gakushū's outstretched hand, "I believe we do have a deal, dearest future brother-in-law." of course Gakushū smirked as his comment had the desired effect as both Karma and Ayame's faces turned as red as Rubies.


After being spotted by Karma, Koro-sensei returned to carry on listening for more information, it took an hour to realise that his wireless mic had been discovered and disposed of (He threw a small fit about his well earned money and purchases being gone once again). He turned into his liquid form and snuck into the ventilation system. When he found his students room he stayed there for the rest of the night and though he didn't learn much more (other than Ren's parents had agreed to sending Ren to a psychiatrist to help stop the nightmares and that he would be absent the next day), he knew he could at the very least protect his students from future attacks if need be.

The next day 5:00am

Feeling slightly fatigued from staying awake all night Koro-sensei finished his reconnaissance at the hospital and left to the school hoping to get everything ready for later on that afternoon.

At E-Class Campus

Upon arrival at the school the yellow teacher was surprised to find both his colleagues waiting for him though Irina did look a little dead on her feet. Karasuma looked over in the direction of his target having felt the strong gust of wind indicating his arrival. "You were correct octopus, the Principal sent through the papers for both Asano Gakushuu and Sakakibara Ren's transfer to E-Class at midnight." A slight frown tugged at the human looking teachers mouths, "I see." Koro-sensei mumbled.

"Well I don't know about the pair of you but it's five thirty in the morning, I'm tired and as the sun isn't even up yet I am freezing so if you want to talk to me, do it inside!" Irina demanded and she stormed inside. Both males looked at one another before walking into the building. After all three were comfortably sat in the office they started to discuss their plans for later. "Irina are you still okay to cover the P.E. lesson later while Karasuma and I go and see Sakakibara-kun and Asano-kun?" Rolling her eyes Irina nodded "I already said yes, not gonna change my mind now." "Well with that settled the octopus and I will leave as soon as his lesson is ov-" the ringtone of his phone blared through the room. "Hello?.... Yes sir... today? ...I understand... of course... goodbye." As he hung up Karasuma sighed. "Slight change of plans, we may have to wait until after the school day to go to the hospital. That was my boss, they wish for Takaoka to start covering the P.E. Lessons, claiming I have to much work. Anyway I'll have to stay, I wanted to do some background checks before he started so I'll have to prioritise that first." Nodding in understanding they all started to prepare for the day. It wasn't until the chatter of students drifted through the air that caused the teachers to realise that a few hours had passed since they had arrived. Koro-Sensei stood from his seat and began slowly make his way to the classroom to face his would be assassinators (well... as slowly as he could actually walk).

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