Unsettling feeling time (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"Ayame's sadistic side speaking"

'Ayame's sadistic side thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time
"I hope they'll be alright" Ren spoke breaking the silence as he and karma charged out of their blood-soaked clothes in one of the hospital bathrooms which was spare clothing given by the hospital. "So do I, Sakakibara, so do I," Karma responded as they walked out to the waiting room. "Please call me Ren, Akabane. After the events of the last 2 hours I think a first-name basis is more acceptable, don't you?" Silence reigned for a few minutes as they sat there, before the redhead responded, " okay Saka- Sorry Ren it's going to take a little bit of time to get used to. I suppose you may call me Karma."


7 hours later

"Asano?" The doctor called into the waiting room. Karma and Ren, who had stayed in the waiting room since bringing the twins into the hospital, stood from their seats at a speed that could rival Koro-Sensei. Making their way towards the doctor, they shared a look, before giving the doctor their full attention. "H-how are they?" Karma glanced towards Ren when he stuttered. "I believe it is best if we talk privately, please follow me to my office." Apprehension growing Ren had taken hold of the back of Karma's shirt, as a sort of grounding mechanism. Karma nodded to the doctor and began following, which in turn caused Ren to follow as well.

Upon arriving in the office, the doctor asked the pair to take the seats while he closed the door. Taking the seat behind the desk, the doctor pulled out the medical files, "you both are heroes. If you had gotten here a few minutes later then miss Asano would have died, and young Mr Asano would have received permanent brain and lung damage. After the extensive procedures the pair have undergone, we can assure you that physically they will be okay, mentally however cannot be guaranteed." Heaving a small sigh of relief a lot of tension disappeared from Karma's shoulders. "I must ask you boys a few questions, for health purposes of course, but looking at the extent of the pair's injuries, especially on miss Asano, I am finding a lot of signs that are leading towards a conclusion I am hoping is wrong. But, where exactly did you find the pair?" The doctor asked broaching the subject.

"We found them in their father's study of their house. They had been picked up from school by their father's chauffeur, Ayame had said she had a bad feeling, and knowing her history with her father, I went to follow the car, I lost it but knew the location of the house, I met Ren here, outside the building and we entered the house in search of the pair, we found them, the scene was-", "It was horrifying!" Ren cut in. "Seeing the extent of their condition, we promptly made our way here." Karma finished explaining the situation that lead to this point in time.

Silence echoed in the office as the doctor pondered the explanation he was given, "Mr..." he started rather unsure. Karma realising this responded, "Akabane." A flicker of recognition appeared in the doctor's eyes, "Mr Akabane, if you don't mind, I have a few more questions, the first being what is yours and Ren, was it? What are your relations to Mr and Miss Asano? I am aware that your parents are paying the hospital bill, which implies some form of closeness, but I need it for the file. And the second question, you implied something about Miss Asano having a bad history with her father, would you be able to elaborate?"

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