Pranking time (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"Ayame's sadistic side speaking"

'Ayame's sadistic side thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time

Later on, after the lessons had finished, the class was walking down the mountain' when karma suddenly walked closer to Ayame and whispered something in her ear that made her smirk even more than she was before and whoever was the victim class 3-E was sorry for them because the most sadistic person in the world and someone that came from the most influential family was teaming up on a prank.


The next day

Class 3-E of kungigaoka high school

Karma and Ayame walked down a path towards the main campus, they were skipping the first lesson, but they didn't care as they were busy planning the execution of their biggest prank yet. They had meticulously planned this prank and set up their equipment ahead of time, they had paint bombs filled with a special type of 'paint', and embarrassing photos, mainly of the principal and his son but there was at least one embarrassing picture of at least everyone on the main campus, as well as glitter, rainbow coloured streamers that would all fall on the unsuspecting victim. When they reached the gate that would be watched by CCTV, a whisper broke the moment of silence between the pair "my father is currently at a meeting in Kyoto, he won't be back until at the very least tomorrow, he locks his office whenever he is away, but there is a spare key on the top of the door frame, only Gakushuu is supposed to know it's there, and neither know that I know of its presence" she whispered to Karma, the red-haired male smirked as he made his way onto the main campus.

Anybody who saw Karma simply assumed he was cutting class, so paid him no attention, when the red-haired boy disappeared from view they went back to listening to the lecture, not noticing the strawberry blonde-haired girl that managed to sneak in just a little bit later than the redhead, to avoid getting caught by her brother.

After they went into the main building, the two students had set up pranks above each of the classroom doors before sneaking into the principal's office to alter the security cameras of them ever being there and changing all of the supplies in the room to childish things and took a picture and made a few copies before printing them and making copies putting them up all around the school, seeing that they only had 15 minutes until class let up they quickly and quietly snuck back to the class 3-E campus, before they could get caught. When they reached E-Class all the students were outside for P.E.

Karasuma-sensei was teaching them more defensive and attack patterns to try and kill the octopus. Hearing laughter coming from the tree line everyone turned their heads to see both Karma and Ayame walk out of the tree line with sadistic smirks lacing their faces. Nagisa looked at them suspiciously, " what did you two do?" He only received a reply of " don't worry you will find out" as soon as the final word was voiced screaming could be heard from the main campus building, everyone looked back at the two students, who had innocent looks on their faces, everyone internally screaming 'they're anything but innocent!" Seconds later Karma pulled out his phone and showed Ayame, they both laughed.

Maehara asked, " hey, what are you guys looking at?" Karma told them to gather around, once everyone was In a position where they could see the phone screen, Karma played a video, showing how one or two students from every class got covered in glitter and paint, then rainbow streamers that said miss world on it. What made it even funnier, was that Gakushuu had been one of the unlucky victims and everyone started laughing, it only got louder when they saw the principal's office and said to the two prankers " if he finds out it was your doing, both of you are going to be in deep shit, you know that right" they both just shrugged it off and started walking into the building.

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