Asano senior time (edited)

649 12 3

(Author's notes)



"Ayame's sadistic side speaking"

'Ayame's sadistic side thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time
"Rens' here now... sleep... if...she...wakes...he'll-" the voice faded slowly until he stopped talking. "Looks like the pain meds finally kicked in" they heard Karma say. "He's right you know, you should sleep, or a nap at the very least. If she shows signs of waking up then I'll wake you up myself, I promise. But you are not doing anyone any good by exhausting yourself Karma." A sigh echoed through the system, "fine but you better keep your promise!" A few minutes later soft snores echoed through the system. The members of E-class looked at each other as questions filtered between them... what was going on?


Beep... beep... beep...

The constant sound of the heart monitor was all E-class had heard from the speaker for the last 2 hours. They had taken to ignoring the speaker for the time being while they discussed everything they heard so far. A static almost shuffling sound echoed from the speaker followed by a rough groan.

In the hospital room

For the last few hours, Ren had sat completing his homework as the three other occupants of the room slept. A groan sounded from one of the boys, unsure of which he lifted his head to check, seeing the bleary eyes of Asano Gakushuu. "Finally awake Shuu?" He joked. "Am I?" He winced when he tried to move, "yeah, definitely awake alright... why does it always feel... like I've been hit by a truck? *cough, cough* Can you please pass me some water please?"

Grabbing a glass of water Ren carefully manoeuvred around the sleeping Karma and started tilting the glass to Gakushuu's mouth. The strawberry-blonde male rolled his eyes as he grabbed hold of the glass. "Ren. I can lift my arms and hold a glass." The brunette scoffed slightly. "Well, at least we can say your voice is better than before. Shame your personality hasn't improved either, still a pain in the arse as usual." Gakushuu in an attempt not to laugh caused himself to have a coughing fit. "Takes - *cough cough* takes one to kn- *cough cough* know one."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny. You're a comedic genius. Feeling any better than before your drug-induced nap?" The sarcasm was not missed by the male patient, who simply smiled serenely with a soft chuckle. "Quite, I don't know whether it's the morphine...or if it has decreased in intensity... probably the morphine. But, my side is only slightly irritating... it's itching a lot so at least I know it's healing... and while  the tinnitus...hasn't gone... I'm not as lightheaded or dizzy anymore. I just have a strong ache from my throat and head... although, my whole body aches a little as well."

Sighing in relief the brunette responded, "That's good. What about mentally?" Gakushuu contemplated how to answer the question, before looking at his friend. "Not great. It's easy to push the emotions... and the event out of my mind. Every time I close my eyes, I see the monster he has become and what... he did and I'm reminded of just how... powerless I truly am. I'm aware it's unhealthy for my mental health but...I-I- I'm just not ready to face it." Not being able to sense the approaching panic attack in his friend, Ren responded, "well when you're ready, we can go through the inevitable psychiatry appointments together. God knows finding you both like that will forever be scarred in my mind. I honestly don't know how Karma managed to keep a level head at the time... there was so much blood."

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