Anger and relief time (edited)

573 12 5

(Author's notes)



"sadistic speaking"

'sadistic thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time
Pausing as he let the information sink in he then added, "He's always been extremely protective of Aya, he's been taking the brunt of that bastard's mental abuse. I can only assume that the panic attacks are how he deals with them and yesterday has set them off and their father turning up just now didn't help."


Back to E-Class as Asano senior was escorted from the room.

'Th-the principal attacked them both, he attacked his own children?!' Irina thought trying to wrap her head around the new information. Taking a glance towards her colleagues, the tensing of Karasuma's Jaw and the clenching of his fists, were the only telltale sigh that he was passed angry and downright furious. Turning her gaze towards her target, she wondered when the oncoming explosion would happen, for Koro-Sensei was the easiest to read not by the way he talked but by the colour he had turned and the aura he emitted.

Noticing the students backtracking from their target she took the wise option and did the same, having read Nagisa's information book she knew that if her target was this colour then he was absolutely pissed off.

During the contents of the previous conversation heard between the principal and their class and schoolmates, they had finally come to their own conclusions of what happened, and if it so happened that a certain someone was meticulously strategising about how to effectively slit a particular chairman's throat, well... that was news to everyone else, 'although... Karma will want to join. just slitting the chairman's throat isn't effective enough he has to suffer.' A certain androgynous-looking male thought to themselves. It wasn't until a dark aura emanated from their surroundings did the students notice that Koro-Sensei's colour had changed to black. 'Oh shit! He's Pissed!' The students all thought as they began moving away from their teacher and target.

However, all of their anger temporarily disappeared as a car screeched into the car park. Turning towards the sound the class watched as two individuals quickly disembarked from the vehicle. "Doesn't the guy look a little like Karma?" Irina mumbled to herself but everyone heard her and studied the male's looks, it was only when Koro-sensei added, "That is because those are Karma's parents." Did everyone pay close to the pair. It was only seconds later that Gakuho was thrown out of the hospital by its security. The classmates watched as Karma's mother zeroed her gaze onto the male and began slowly stalking her way over to the man, almost like a tiger watching its prey before it leaps.

With Asano senior

The elder Asano noticing the approaching female momentarily froze under the sharp gaze of his deceased wife's childhood friend. Thinking of all the possible scenarios he waited until she was standing in front of him. "Asuka lovely to see you, what are you doing here this evening? I thought you and your husband were travelling for work? But, I have to say it's nice to see you." He questioned while wearing the fakest of smiles before the collar of his shirt was forcefully grabbed. "Cut the Bullshit, you know exactly why we are here. I swear to god if you have dared to hurt any of those children more than you already in any sort of way be it mental, physical, emotional or other! Then I can guarantee you this promise. Nobody will be able to identify your body when I'm finished with you. In fact, they will never be able to find your body!" It was only when Kurai Akabane grabbed his wife's hands and released the other male from her hold, "he can still charge you with assault, we're in public darling. Wait a while, then find somewhere hidden I'm sure your parents will help you hide the body. For now, we have other more important things to see than deal with scum that belongs on the bottom of someone's shoe!" Glaring at Asano, Kurai manoeuvred his thrashing wife into the building, while she shouted profanities at the school chairman. The Chairman's eyes showed an odd combination of uneasiness and amusement as he watched the pair walk into the hospital, before turning on his heel and leaving the premises.

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