Together time (Edited)

771 19 4

(Author's notes)



"Ayame's sadistic side speaking"

'Ayame's sadistic side thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time
All the while the two trouble makers were smiling at each other, which didn't go unnoticed by 3 people, who could see the two together in the future and snickered lightly before getting back to the lesson.


Once class began once again, Karma and Ayame plotted many different schemes that would ultimately get them in trouble, it was also during this that koro-sensei announced that there would be a two-day field trip to Kyoto, which was run by the school, which had the class whispering to one another, he began complaining about how early in the year it was for a field trip (while being in full dress up as a geisha), he then proceeded to tell his students to form groups of six.

Everybody scrambled to form groups with their immediate friends, while Ayame remained seated, she stared out of the window in deep thought, she knew that her father would find some reason or another, whether it be the pranks or something altogether entirely different, to punish her, she was also acutely aware that he wouldn't have a problem with resorting to physical violence after last time. A lone tear rolled down her cheek, as she thought of the worst her father would do if he found a reason.

Koro-sensei noticed Ayame's apathy and appeared next to Karma, "due to the odd numbers, and the fact you are the closest person to Ayame right now, as she hasn't been in the class long, I will allow your group to have an extra person." Karma nodded and thought nothing of it before walking over to Ayame. Everyone else, however, was thinking of all the possible ways to get the two of them together during this trip.

As Karma reached the girl he noticed the subtle shaking of her shoulders and knew that she was crying, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder and startled Ayame, who turned to look at Karma, who motioned that they should talk outside. They both got up and left the classroom, leaving everyone to their thoughts.

Stepping out into the fresh air Ayame took a deep shaky breath and opened her mouth to say something when she was pulled into a hug by Karma, who wrapped one arm around her waist (hand positioned in the centre of her back) and the other around her shoulders as his hand sifted through her strawberry blond locks. It didn't take long for the dam to burst as she began crying once more into karma's shoulder and telling him what she was sure her father had planned for her.

Karma knew not to let the unadulterated rage he felt get the better of him, so with gritted his teeth and spoke in soft but harsh words, "Unless I am Physically stopped and cannot move or dead, I'll kill him if he lays a finger on you." The girl hugged him harder "thank you karma for being there for me, but please don't land yourself in prison for manslaughter, I'm not worth the trouble, you deserve a better friend than me" she whispered.

Taking hold of the smaller girl's hand, Karma pulled Ayame in the direction of the forest, where no nosy classmates could see or hear them. Once under the camouflage of the trees and no longer visible from the classroom, Karma turned to face Ayame smiling slightly, a slight blush adorning his face.

When Ayame saw the light blush covering the male's face, she giggled slightly as she wiped away tears, her eyes red from her previous crying. She hugged the redhead once again, burying her face in his chest, Karma chuckled at her antics. She looked up to see Karma's face, only to see him looking back at her with emotions she found she could not discern in his eyes she frowned slightly, "Hey, can you do me a favour and close your eyes for a minute." The boy asked.

Ayame reluctantly complied as the boy stepped away, "I trust you Karma, but if you dare put a bug or spider on me I will show you what your namesake really means!" The Redhead chuckled although it sounded a little distant, 'he must be quite far away if he is this quiet' she thought. "I would not do that to you Aya, I know you have entomophobia and arachnophobia. How you plan on being a Zookeeper like you wanted to be when we were younger is beyond me, you do know you have to work with live insects for some animals right?" Karma retorted sounding a lot closer this time. "Yeah, but I can combat my fears at my own pa-" she was cut off as a pair of lips collided with her own. Snapping her eyes open in shock she stared at her friend who was kissing her... 'can I even call him a friend now?'.

Slowly but surely she melted into the kiss, responding with equal vigour as her eyelids slowly closed. They continued like this until they both were close to running out of oxygen. Karma wrapped his arms around Ayame's waist pulling her closer to him, pecking her on the lips, "I've been meaning to tell you for a while, I love you, Ayame. I've loved you since we were around 12/13 just never found the right time to tell you and I didn't know how. But I can confirm that you will always be worth any trouble that comes our way, what better a person to be with than the person who can bring the best out of me?" The strawberry blond was speechless as she stared with wide eyes into the eyes of the boy in front of her.

As the silence continued, he leaned forward slightly and pecked her on the lips as he asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?" the girl blushed as she thought finally caught up with the situation, "Karma...I-I love you too, but I can't be in a relationship right now, my father and brother-" she was cut off once more by her companion. "Who gives a flying fuck what they say or think, the legal age of adulthood in Japan is due to be lowered to 18 from 20 sometime later this year, you will classed as a legal adult Aya and can make decisions for yourself if you don't want to be in a relationship right now, then that is fine, I'll wait for when you are ready. But, if it's your family that's stopping you, because of those stupid abusive punishments that they give you, then you always have me, you know my parents adore you, and even if they are barely even there, they wouldn't mind if you stayed with me." Taking deep breaths Karma calmed himself as he stared at the girl he loved, as he waited for a response.

Processing what Karma had said, she pondered the thought, was it because of her family, that she didn't want to pursue a relationship with Karma... yes, because if shit hit the fan then at least he would be safe, but staring at the hopeful expression of the boy in front of her, she felt her resolve begin to crumble as she played over his words in her head. "Okay" she replied after a good three minutes of silence.

"Okay?" Her companion echoed in a confused whisper. Taking a deep shaky breath Ayame elaborated on her decision, "Okay... I'm willing to give us in a romantic relationship a try, but promise me you won't think too poorly of me if I ask, if at least for the time being, that we, as in our evolved relationship can remain a secret?" The redhead smiled softly as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, deciding that he had enough of standing he dropped to the floor pulling Ayame down with him, as he cuddled her. "For you, anything! But you have to promise me something in return... promise me that whatever shit comes our way, we deal with it together?" Snuggling into Karma's chest she responded, "of course."

They relished in the presence of each other and the almost silence of the forest with the faint ruckus of their classmates from the school building a ways away, before Karma said, "I wonder how long it will take out class to realise that we are together. You have noticed that ever since they found out that we know each other, they have been trying to set us up, right?" Ayame nodded "they were being rather obvious weren't they?" The male snorted in response, "oh that reminds me, The octopus said that you were going to be in my group for our trip to Kyoto." The female hummed in agreement "I suppose this is his way of trying to set us up, huh?" This elicited another snort from her pseudo-pillow, "Probably... hmm... what do you say about messing with them for a while... at least until they figure out that we are already together themselves?" There was a moment's pause before Ayame mumbled "I don't see why not."

"Wanna come over to mine for the afternoon? I don't really feel like heading back to class and we already have our stuff." Karma asked as the Girl nodded they made their exit from the school grounds not long after the bell signalling the beginning of class rang.
Till next time
(As I edited the last paragraph Gashina by SUNMI came on, 👌🏻👍🏻 if you haven't noticed i am a kpop fan
I am an -A.R.M.Y, Exo-L, Blink, Carat, Atiny, Stay and MoA. I love many other bands and soloists, I don't know their fandom name as I am a relatively new-ish fan to them, e.g. BigBang, Momoland, Got7, B.A.P, Astro, Shinee, Monsta X, SUNMI,  SF9, 2PM, VIXX, ONEUS, ONEWE etc.)

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