Meeting Him

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Your P.O.V

Sure I was turning 14 in about two weeks...

 So what if my parents left when you were 2 and now all I have is an abusive foster dad who blamed me for them leaving, an evil foster mother and an ugly foster sister.

 Yes, I would be heading to a new boarding school in three weeks but I was scared. Last time I was at school, which was four months ago, I was suspended for something I couldn't help, a huge cyclops came and crushed the cafeteria with his left foot. Thank the gods it was on left over Tuesday though. ( The leftovers where meatloaf too!) So every kid at school found me as a hero, the cafeteria ladies and the principle found me as a criminal though. Go figure, huh?

Now back to reality, I was running down the nasty ally and a manticore was chasing me. Was I shocked? Possibly, I've read myths and believed them because I was counted weird and accepted them so I had my own little world where myths, legends, and books were another reality. Anyways while I was running I tripped over a box and not any box it was a small shoe box... Like are you kidding me a small shoe box tripped me?

 The weirdest thing happened though, as I was waiting for my death nothing happened. I heard slices and two people or things wrestling. Then I opened my eyes to find the manticore fighting a girl who looks to be my age, (Maybe younger) with auburn hair gathered back into a ponytail and a boy also about my age with jet black hair and sea green eyes that would make you melt. Wait... What am I saying?

I never look at guys like this, they always thought I was dangerous and freaky anyways... Then I heard the boy yell, "RUN!" So I did I mean what else was I gonna do? Stay there and just admire the boys looks while I'm about to be killed? I mean, I guess that doesn't sound bad but my life is more important... So I got up and ran, finding a fridge box. (Again with these boxes?) So I jumped in the box and stayed still until I heard it again, his voice talking to someone, a girl. I started to wiggle so I could jump out of the box. When I did finally get out of the box, I fell over and was caught by the boy. "Um, thanks," was all I could say without sounding like a complete idiot. "My name is ______ by the way. What's yours?" I asked after he put me down. "Oh yeah, my name is Percy, Percy Jackson and this is... Um" he was cut off by the auburn haired girl saying, "My name is Artemis, Goddess of the hunt."

A/N Omg if you diamondz in the rough actually read this much into the book thank you so so much. This is my first time actually showing anybody anything I write besides teachers or anything but that's different. If you guys really really like it pick up Riptide and slap that vote button with that Minotaur horn! XP

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