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Percy's P.O.V
After speaking with Chrion I knew what I had to do. I had to leave _____ here to train and continue on my quest. I have no idea how to tell her, should I just leave or tell her? I am gonna do what's right, LEAVE!

'Percy are you insane!? You have to tell ____ that your leaving. You can't just walk out on her and leave her like her mother did! Go an tell her right now.' Oh yah I forgot, Grover and I have an empathy link, I can't do anything now without Grover knowing now. Maybe I should of have broke the link last summer, Well to late now!

Anyways Grover is right, I can't just leave her. I guess now is the time to go and leave a friend behind. As I reached the Apollo cabin I saw no one there, they are probably going to arching class or something. Then I started to hear talking, between a girl and guy. It sounded like ____ so I headed closer and probably because I am not the quietest person ever the conversation came to an end right before I could hear any of it. Then ____ came out looking like she was trying not to cry right now, like as she just saw someone die right in front of her. I did what any good friend would do, I sped up my pace and pulled her in a hug. "_____? What happened?" "nothing Percy, it's all good..." Not what I was looking for but okay at least I got her to talk. I pull her away from my hug and stair into her (eye color) eyes. Oh my gods. Only they knew how long I could stair into them and they would make my day. "____, I have to leave camp. I have to continue my quest with Thaila, Annabeth, and Grover... I have to take them with me." I said waiting for the tears to c!me but they never did. I simply got a reply, "I know you have to Percy, just promise me somthing." "What is it?" She just smiled and said, "Bring all of my friends home safe and sound. That's all I ask Percy." Then _____ did the least expected she kissed my check. I turned into a red tomato and she ran off probably going to go and say good bye to everyone. I found myself unable to do anything, I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't even think straight. All because of her, because of _____.

Your P.O.V
I can't believe I just did that, I kissed Percy on the check. I couldn't get it out of my mind. I wanted to go and talk to Grover about it because he knew Percy best, and because we haven't talked much. To find Grover I went and searched in the forest first because he always loved nature and all that. When I was walking I heard talking and giggling so me being me I followed it, when it sounded about three feet away I hid behind a tree. "Juniper I dot know what I would do without you." Grover said. I was stunned because I could never see a guy like Grover talk to a girl like that. Then a female voice replied which I am guessing is Juniper, "Me the same Grover. I have to go now but I will talk to you later, okay?" "Okay Juniper!" and with that Grover was alone. So I decided to scare him, as I sneaked behind him he started to clean up the mess they had made. When I got a foot behind him I pushed him a little and yelled, "BOO!" Then he screamed with fear and fell on his rear. "_____! You scared me!" "Grover! Calm down it was just a joke." I say as I help him on his feet. "Grover seriously though, can I talk to you about something?" "Of course ____! You could tell me anything..." he replied and smiled a little. After I explained everything about Percy and Luke he just kinda looked at me, with confusion across his face. "You actually spoke with Luke?" "Yeah, but I kinda wasn't listening most of the time so, yeah." We talked a little more and that's when I left to go walk n my own, yes this seems like a Thaila thing to do but I needed to be alone. That's when I realized what the prophecy was talking about,

Left behind
One heroine
That will lead from behind

Percy is gonna leave me behind to train. I already planed on following Percy and them to just to New York but after that I will be coming back to camp. I also plan on leaving after Percy leaves so that would put me behind them. Now the rest I have to find out what it meant.

Unaware of what is to come.
Love, Hate and regret
Restore what has left
The lord is the theft.

I will find out sooner or later. I am worried though, I don't want any of my friends to just disappear from this quest. I guess I might as well get ready for tomorrow, I need to get all my stuff packed and I also need to grab a ride out of here. I now need to get rest, I have a long journey in front of me.

A/N HEY YOU GUYS!!! Sorry for not updating in a while... I have had school and homework to deal with, also I was just invited to a group for math challenges so yeah. I really just bee your guys' patience with me and school. Thank you Diamondz in the rough!

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