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Percy's P.O.V.
"What is wrong with you Annabeth?!?! You haven't seen your friend in like five years and now you turn your best friends against you and try to take away her boyfriend?!?!" I yell. "Percy, I know you can be happier with me. _____ has nothing to offer you and I have to offer you my love and wits! Percy open your eyes and realize I'm the one you belong with." Annabeth replies.

Wait are you serious? A smart girl like her wants a guy like me? Someone who's different from normal demigods? Annabeth is my friend nothing more! I love ____ and no one else so this is it! I can't take it anymore she's either my friend or nothing!

"Annabeth! Stop it now! I don't know why but this is just a phase it will pass and you just need to chose." I state in anger. "Percy what do you mean? I don't..." She was cut off almost crying. "Annabeth, you either are my friend or nothing to me. You need to chose." I say calmly. "Fine Percy, I'm your friend nothing more it's just... I love you and it's hard, seeing you with ____ and all. So before we become nothing more than friends can you do me a favor?" she asks. "Um.... I don't see why not what's up?" I reply.

She steps closer and closer to me. She's about a foot away when she stops and looks me in the eyes. "Don't ever forget you can change your mind seaweed brain." Than she does the stupidest thing she's ever done and kisses me. I'm to shocked to push her off, I'm immobile from her. I hear twigs crack and that for some weird reason being me back, able to move now. I try to push Annabeth away but cant. Dam this woman is strong! Someone walks through the bushes and stops in astonishment.

______ is there about to cry.

Annabeth pulls away and looks at _____ with a smugish grin. Then Grover and Thalia come standing next to ____ looking at me and Annabeth with disappointment. "P-Percy?" ____ says trying her hardest to stay strong. "_____" I walk towards her but am stopped by Thalia and Grover. "Percy," Thalia practically hisses, "Don't you think you've done enough?" "B-but Thalia you don't understand! Grover don't you believe me?" Grover looks at me. "I wish I could Percy but I can't." _____ was sobbing at this point and ran off. Thalia ran off chasing her and Grover just stood there looking at me.

"She loved you Percy now she hates you and probably regrets falling for you." Grover said and ran off chasing Thalia and ____.

Your P.O.V.

Love, Hate, Regret.

I know now what it meant but why? Why with me and Percy? Why to me? Annabeth why? Why do I have to suffer? 'Things happen for a reason' Luke used to say. What's the reason for this? My suffering? To show me Percy isn't the one for me? Is Aphrodite testing mine and Percy's love? What ever it is it's not worth it!

I kept running hearing Thalia and Grover following and screaming my name. I couldn't let them see me like this so I kept running, right into arms.

"____?" a familiar voice asked. "L-Luke?" I looked up and saw his blond, scarred face. "What's wrong?" he frowned and hugged me. I hugged back and pushed my face deep into his chest. "I-It's Annabeth..." I stopped because I started crying again. "Shhh it's okay ____." Luke said caring. "Remember what I used to tell you?" I nodded, "Things happen for a reason. But what's this reason Luke?" Luke looked me in the eye and smiled, "Maybe because you were meant to run into me here." He started to lean in a little and so did I.

Grover's P.O.V.
Thalia and I finally caught up to _____, an also found Luke. Kissing _____... You know they are actually cute together. "Thalia, don't _____ and Luke look cute together?" I asked "you know they really do." Thalia replies. Why doesn't _____ stay with Luke?

A/N Hey diamondz sorry for not updating but my demigod ADHD has been kicking in lately... I'm so sorry but hey guess what! WE HAVE OVER 5,000 READS! I couldn't of have done it without you guys... Seriously. Thank you! Btw I ship Luke and the reader! <(•_•)/ <----- Persassy becoming to sassy... just saying what do you guys think?

The Lost Demigod (A Percy Jackson X Reader) [One]Where stories live. Discover now