Hurt Knee >>Niall Centric

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-Where Niall hides that his knee is hurting so the boys don't worry.

Niall woke up like any other day, and really his knee wasn't bothering him that much. I mean it was just a dull ache, but he could ignore it easily.

But what he couldn't ignore was when he was tackled to the ground by a laughing Louis who just smirked down at him and winked before jumping up and running the other way.

Niall watched as Zayn and Harry chased after him, Niall assumed Louis had taken something from the both of them again, but that wasn't really the problem.

The problem was that it felt like Louis had slammed Niall's knee into a brick wall then pushed him into a bed of needles. It hurt, a lot.

It wasn't so much a dull ache now, but a throbbing pain that he definitely could not ignore.

He winced and gripped his knee while trying to get up carefully so he didn't aggravate it any more.

He caught Liam's gaze, he could tell that something was off with Niall but Niall just flashed him a quick smile before hobbling off, trying to hide that he was in fact limping.

Thinking the tour bus would be his best bet at getting away from any noisy, rambunctious teens, he managed to slide back in his bunk and rest in the piece and quiet.

But he should've known better then to think it would last long. Not even 10 minutes later, the bus door was slammed open and Harry and Zayn came in, yelling about first dibs on the game.

And that would've been okay too, if it weren't for Harry jumping into his bunk, jostling his knee, just to ask if he wanted to join the game.

Niall knew he was only being nice, so instead of yelling in pain and snapping at him, he just gave him a smile and declined as nicely as he could.

Harry only nodded, jumping down before turning back around to softly ask, "You okay Ni? Seem a bit pale."

Niall just let out a forced laugh, "'M always pale Haz." Harry cocked a small smile but nodded and left it at that.

Niall knew that if he rested his knee, maybe slept a bit more then he should be fine later. He just couldn't walk about, just rest.

So that's exactly what he did, or tried too.

He seemed to keep forgetting about his 4 hyper bandmates.


By the time the concert had rolled around Niall was about ready to curl into a ball and cry. He couldn't take much more pain, especially with the boys unintentionally making it worse.

He could've taken his out many times today, the boys seemed to know something was up. They were constantly asking if he was okay, which was normal. He was acting a bit odd.

He tried to act as normal as possible but he knew he had failed miserably.

He had turned down food from Zayn, he felt like if he ate anything then it would just come right back up, he couldn't handle this pain.

Zayn's face was priceless when Niall just waved him off with a, "I'm full."

And when Niall declined Harry yet again for a match of FIFA. Louis had raised an eyebrow but shrugged when Niall just said, "A bit tired, couldn't sleep much with Harry snoring in my ear."

Liam on the other hand hadn't let Niall leave his sight after he came back and saw Niall still curled in bed. He asked if Louis had hurt him on the fall, or if he was feeling sick but Niall just shook his head and gave him the same excuse he did with Lou and Haz.

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