Well, This Is New >>Niall Centric

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-Where Niall gets mad at the boys and no one has ever seen them fight before.

The boys had fought before. It was usually over something stupid, like who stole who's clothes this time. Or who's turn it was to do the dishes.

And by 'boys' that excludes Niall. Niall never fought with any of the boys before in his life and no one planned on changing that.

So it came as a surprise to everyone when Niall and the boys had their first fight ever. No one really knew how to react. Do they laugh at the way the boys follow Niall around like a lost puppy? Or do they take pity on them and try to help? Maybe even just laugh in shock and watch from afar to see what happens. Mostly, everyone did the latter.

It all started when Liam made a passing comment about Jennifer Lawerence. It put Niall in a sour mood to think that Liam found her attractive and wasn't talking about him like that. He huffed, glaring at the floor before he stomped out of the room.

But the boys knew how to deal with a grumpy Niall, they had done it thousands of times before. After a cuddle with Louis kissing all over his face, his mood had improved but he hadn't forgotten about earlier.

He was still mad at himself and at Liam for not being good enough. But he decided not to take it out on everyone else in the house like he had been earlier. It wasn't their fault after all.

It had probably been a long time coming. He had never taken his anger out on any of the boys before, because it wasn't right to him. But he had been harboring feelings for years with no results and he was just frustrated and upset and really stressed out with their new tour starting up in a few weeks.

It was a few little things after that, that set him off. Like Harry inviting his friend Cher over, and hiding away in his room together all day. Or Louis FaceTiming one of his mates from back home, in the living room, and flirting openly with him. Or when Zayn and Liam got into another conversation about their ex's in front of him when he was eating breakfast.

He knew he was just jealous and overwhelmed with life at the moment but it pissed him off. What did all these people have that he didn't? Why couldn't the boys talk about him, think about him or give him attention like that? Why did they have to give it to all these other people?

That's how he came to be glaring at the wall in front of him, while he waited for one of his bodyguards to come pick him up. They all had to head to a meeting/rehearsal for the upcoming tour. They didn't have to actually be there for another 30 minutes but Niall couldn't stand to hear another thing the boys were saying. Who cares about so and so's performance? Not Niall.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Zayn sat down next to him. "Hey, what are you doing out here? We don't have to leave for another half an hour."

Niall glared down at the rocks by his feet, choosing to not answer Zayn. He didn't want to talk to him right now. Any of them, for that matter.

"Earth to Niall." Zayn whistled and waved a hand in front of Niall's face. Niall only directed his glare to Zayn and pushed his hand away. "What's up?" Zayn wondered but Niall only turned his body away from him.

"Is he ignoring you?" Louis asked, suddenly appearing by the door. Niall could practically hear the smirk in his voice. Couldn't they leave him alone for once?

Before Zayn could answer, Louis was sitting down on Niall's other side. "What's wrong, grumpy pants." He asked, poking Niall's side as he did.

Niall turned to glare at Louis, slapping away his hand. He pouted when Louis just started attacking him, trying to tickle him in an attempt to make him laugh. But it wouldn't work this time.

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