That Winter Night >>Niall Centric

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-Where Niall knows something others don't, with an unexpected twist.

It was cold.

Sometimes it was bitter like the morning frost and it bit at your skin like the cold snow. Sometimes it hit you like a storm, sometimes it was a storm. It hurt me most days, but it was only a fall, a few bruises and maybe a twisted ankle. But I was clumsy, that wasn't my fault, it was not mine. No body liked it, not the boys and not me.

Actually you know what, it was exactly like a storm.

It was more then a cold winter night. I was prone to danger apparently, and not only danger but sickness.

It was only a cold-nothing new. I was stuck in bed, my boyfriend told me to stay there until I was better. My boyfriend said he would make me soup. But I knew there wouldn't be any, there was none left, I had thrown all of the soup away.

My boyfriend said he would go out and get some, but it was still windy, it was still stormy, not only on the inside but outside in the real world as well.

My boyfriend gave me a goodbye like only he does and then, my boyfriend left to go and get me some soup so I could get better.

My boyfriend died in a crash during a bad storm, trying to get me some soup when I was sick.

It was stormy, it was cold and bitter. I never liked it. It always hurt me.

Everyone told me it wasn't my fault, but it was. The boys were shocked, but they stayed by my side.

When I cried at night, the boys were there. When I had nightmares, the boys were there. When I was sad, tired, when I had flashbacks, when anything happened and I needed them, the boys were there.

My couch didn't fit them all but that was okay, they always switched.

One night it would be Zayn and Harry in the guest room, Liam on the couch and Louis in my room with me. Then another night it would be Liam and Louis in the guest room while Harry slept with me and Zayn was on the couch.

I never knew that they cared so much, it meant a lot to me. Because I needed them so much right now.


We were all sitting at the table, I was eating my cereal when I couldn't take it anymore. It was completely silent, I could see the boys looking at me from the corner of their eyes. It had been almost a month since i-my boyfriend died. I couldn't take it anymore.

"He was going to propose." I said, just staring at my bowl and not looking up.

"Oh Niall..." Harry says and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"I found the ring a while back. And at his funeral his brother told me he was going to." Liam got up as well to wrap me up in his arms.

"Everyone keeps saying that he loved me but it was my fault." Now all the boys were trying to comfort me but I wasn't crying. I didn't need to be comforted.

"No Ni. Don't say that."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is, why doesn't anyone believe me? It is, okay?" Now tears of frustration were falling down my face.

"Maybe we should go upstairs and we can cuddle for a while, yeah? Maybe we could watch your favorite movie?" Louis asks gently and I shake my head.

"I don't need to be babied anymore, I'm fine." I grumbled and got up, my chair screeching against the hard wood floor.

"Nialler, bad things happen but it's okay to be upset about it. It's okay to need help." Zayn tells me softly, putting a hand on my shoulder, I only shook it off.

"There was never a point in my life when I was upset about this." I said coldly and the boys all gave me sad looks. "I appreciate you all being here for me, really I do. But I never needed any comfort, I'm fine." I quickly rush off before they could say anything more.

I never cared for it-sorry him. Because that man was a monster, a storm that had passed. I was glad that it had passed, no one likes a storm.

But I was glad the boys were by my side through it all. I loved how they were such good friends, that they tried to help me, even when I didn't need it.

I was grateful that they were here when I cried in happiness at night. When I had nightmares of my past, the boys were there. When I was sad, tired, when I had flashbacks of him hitting me, when anything happened and I needed them, the boys were there.

Everyone told me it wasn't my fault, but it was.

After all, his brakes hadn't been cut on their own.

{A/N: I'm working on all the requests that got sent in :) those should be done soon}.

[848 Words]

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