Is it Too Late? >>Ziall

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-Where Zayn makes a mistake and he tries not to think about how Liam warned him about this exact situation.

"One day you're going to see him holding hands with someone else who took your chance and he won't even notice you because he's too busy laughing with the stupid jokes that person makes. And it's going to kill you to see that beautiful smile on his face and realize that you're not the reason anymore. And it will hit you, it was him, it was always Niall. Fix it before it's too late."

Zayn realizes it now, how he should've fixed it like Liam had said. Because the truth was, when he left he thought he was going to get a new start.

He was going to get all the girls with his solo career and he thought he didn't want a boyfriend to drag him down. Long distance wasn't his thing.

But the last few months have been hell. All he thinks about is Niall. If Niall was here he would do this, or Niall would love this!

And he came to the conclusion that he made a mistake. A huge mistake.

He wanted Niall back, and he wouldn't stop till he had him.

But that all changed the next time he saw him. He was too late.

He hadn't heard from Niall in a months, which was weird. Niall used to update him all the time, even though Zayn never answered.

But a month ago all the texts and calls just suddenly stopped. And Zayn now saw why.

He always suspected Liam had a thing for Niall, but he trusted him and he knew his best mate would never make a move on his boyfriend.

But I guess with Zayn out of the picture, Liam had no problem swooping in and sweeping Niall off his feet.

Zayn watched as Niall laughed that beautiful laugh and smiled so bright at something Liam said. And the way Niall was looking at him, with stars in his eyes. The way he used to look at Zayn.

And Zayn took back everything he said. He did love Niall, more then anything and he realized that now.

But loving someone came with wanting them to be happy. Because when you love someone, you do everything you can to make them happy. Even if it sucks for you.

And Zayn loved Niall so much that he turned around and walked away.

He hated this terrible feeling in his chest but he knew it was all his fault.

The moment he got home, he picked up his phone and called Liam. He wasn't looking for sympathy, but he needed to do this.

"Hello?" Liam answered uncertainly. "Look I'm a little a busy right now Zayn so-"

"You were right." Zayn cut him off and there was a pause before Liam answered.

"About?" He asked but he already knew.

"I love him, he's my everything and I fucked up. I fucked up so bad." Zayn put his face in his hands and let out a shaky sigh.

"What do you want me to do? I tried to-"

"I know." Zayn sighed again and wiped his eyes as they started to water. "I know." He repeated quietly.

"I just-I needed to say." He took a deep breath and Liam waited patiently. "Take care of him."

There was a small chuckle on the other end before Liam answered. "I always have."

"No Liam. I mean it, okay? You have to promise me you'll give him the world, make him the happiest man on earth because if I'm giving up for him then I want to know its for someone like you who will always make sure he feels wanted. Someone who will hold him during the scary parts of the movies and always text him back. I need you to make sure you take care of him. I need you to never leave him and never let him go because trust me that's the worst decision I ever made."

Zayn wiped away his tears and Liam was silent.

"Promise me god damn it." Zayn muttered.

"Z-Zayn?" A small voice mumbled over the phone.

"Niall?" Zayn asked in surprise.

"Do you mean it? Did you really mean all that?" Niall asked incredulously and Zayn sniffled.

"Of course. And Niall I-I'm so sorry. I took you for granted and I didn't realize that I lost the best thing that ever happened to me. I've been thinking about you so much and I can't get you out of my head and I just-I love you."

"I'm coming over." Was all that Niall muttered before the line went dead. Zayn stared at the phone in his hand in shock for what felt like hours until he was pulled back to reality by a knock at his front door.

He got up quickly to answer it and wasn't surprised to see Liam with Niall as well.


He looked even more amazing up close. His eyes still a bright ocean blue that twinkled when they looked at him. His skin still a milky white and his hair was longer and tousled in just the right way. He looked beautiful like always.

"Hi." Zayn said a bit breathlessly.

"Hi." Niall said just as quiet.

"Can we come in or do I have to stand here and watch you two eye fuck each other?" Liam finally spoke up after a few minutes of silence had gone by,

Niall finally looked away from Zayn to smile back at Liam. But Zayn couldn't find it in himself to tear his eyes away from Niall's beauty.

"Right, come in." Zayn said and moved aside.

"Right...actually, I think I'll just say what I came to say and leave before you both start fucking." Zayn's eyes widened while Niall's face flushed a bright red.

"Me and Niall aren't dating, contrary to what you think and if you ever hurt him like that again, I don't care that you're my friend. I'll rip your balls off and feed them to Harry's cat." With that Liam smiled. "Anyway have fun, but not too much fun. We need Nialler back by 9 tomorrow for an interview, right so bye."

Niall and Zayn watched as Liam walked down the driveway and into his car.

"W-well that was...that was something." Niall said and then he burst out laughing.

Zayn watched him with fond eyes before a smile slowly grew on his face and he couldn't help but laugh as well.

"I would never hurt you like that again, I mean I wouldn't be able to. Now that I know what's it like without you, I never want to live like that again."

Niall's laughter stopped and his face flushed a darker red.

"Can you ever forgive me?" Zayn asked quietly. Niall gave Zayn a small smile before he leaned forward and kissed him gently.

"Of course I can." Zayn's never smiled more in his life then that moment. "Oh, and I love you too."

I guess it's never too late.

[1184 Words]

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