Burning Flame >>Niall Centric

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-The house catches on fire with Niall in it.

Niall woke up to a burning in his lungs.

At first he thought he was having an asthma attack and started to freak out before he opened his eyes.

All he could see was red, all around him. Everywhere he looked, it was there.

It took his sleep muddled mind a couple seconds before he realized that the red was fire. The house was on fire.

His lungs seemed to heave for a breath just as he jumped out of bed. He doubled over as he coughed, covering his mouth as the floor beneath him creaked.

The red seemed to disappear quickly into the black of the smoke clouds. Adrenaline kicked into Niall's bones as he pushed his way through. He knew that he only had minutes to get out before his weak lungs failed him.

He gripped his doorknob quickly before pulling back as fast as he did. It was burning just as much as the rest of his room around him.

One look behind him though, told him the windows were a no-go. His only way out of this alive was getting through his door. He wrapped his long sleeve shirt (that was actually Zayn's) around the doorknob and yanked as hard as he could. The door opened slightly but jammed halfway through.

Without even hesitating, Niall squeezes himself through what little space there was. The moment he walked out of his door, he realized that inside his room was safer then out here. The fire raged more in the living room.

He looked across the hall to the two doors in front of his; Liam and Harry's. One look at their open doors showed they were no where in sight. Niall turned around to the two doors on either side of his; Zayn and Louis'.

He had to kick Zayn's door down to see that he was no where to be found either. He just wanted to make sure the boys had made it out safe. He chanced a look into Louis room to see him unconscious on the floor. He had his shirt pulled up over his mouth.

Without even hesitating, Niall ran over to lift Louis up with an arm around his shoulder. He dragged Louis with all the strength he had left, not even sure if he was going to be able to make it himself.

He could only manage to make it to the far side of the living room where the fire was not as bad as the rest of the house.

There were now loud sirens outside and Niall knew his only hope of making it out of this burning house alive was to flag someone down. He couldn't make it any further.

His lungs screamed for air as he panted. He was two seconds away from having an asthma attack when he managed to shove the living room window open.

Niall fell to his knees, coughing so bad he saw black dots cross his vision. The ceiling creaked dangerously above him as he lifted Louis as best he could. He could see Harry and Liam being held back from where he was standing and sighed in relief. At least two of them were okay.

Liam must of seen Niall because he was suddenly shouting and there were men running towards the house; under the window to be exact.

"Sir! Are you alright!" A firefighter yelled up to him. Niall went to answer but took a few moments to cough into his arm.

"My friend, he's unconscious!" Niall managed to yell feebly to them. They seemed to understand though as they started setting up a huge trampoline like thing. Niall just wanted to get him and Louis out of here.

Niall spared a glance down at the boy in his arms, scared to see if he was breathing or not. He had to be breathing, he just had to.

"Sir, we need you to send your friend down first, then we want you to carefully jump down and do the same! Understand!" One of the men yelled up to him, Niall could only hope this would work out as he lifted Louis as best he could.

A loud crash behind Niall made him jump. The entrance to the living room was now blocked by a beam from the ceiling.

The house was coming down.

With a few more final grunts and breaks to breath between that, Niall had Louis up by the window. Of course the minute there was fresh air, was when Louis' eyes fluttered open.

"Niall? There's....fire." Louis croaked and Niall only nodded. Louis' voice was barely there.

"I know Lou, I just need you to jump. Everything's okay." Niall mustered, Louis' feet were now outside.

"Niall-" Louis starts, his eyes wide as he stares behind Niall. The ceiling creaked again, Niall could hear it happening but he needed to get Louis out more.

"Louis; Jump!" Niall yelled feebly, pushing at Louis as he did.

"Niall!" Louis said almost forcibly but Niall just pushed him out. That's when the ceiling burst out in flames and fell down, covering the floor a few feet from Niall.

The end of a beam caught Niall's shirt as it went down, making Niall stumble back as he fell to the floor. He heard people outside rushing to Louis, as others started calling his name. But he couldn't focus on anything more then that because his back was burning.

He rolled around as the fire on his shirt burned it up. His heart beat erratically, his breaths almost slowing down even more. He needed to get out; now.

He pushed himself up on his hands, crawling towards the open window as best he could.

His hand reached up, grasping for the window sill desperately as his vision started to turn black around the edges. He couldn't pass out, not now. He needed to get out.

His lungs gave a feeble last attempt to get air as he made desperate noises for breath. There was smashing noises to the right of him as an entrance was finally cleared to Niall.

Niall's hand fell back down to his side, unable to hold himself up as he fell face first into the carpet.

A hand grabbed for him, Niall couldn't bring himself to look up as someone cradled him. He was being carried out of the house as someone put a mask over his face and finally-finally he could breath. The rush of air almost hurt his lungs after not being able to breath for so long.

It didn't matter though because he was passed out by the time they made it outside.

When Niall finally woke up, he was in a hospital bed.

He bolted up right when everything slowly came back to him. A firm hand pushed him back down on the bed as he looked over to see Liam's worried face. "What-" Niall cleared his throat as it came out almost non-existent.

"You're going to be okay Niall, you're in the hospital. There was a fire, remember?" Liam tried to clarify as Niall looked around the room in alarm again.

"Y-yeah. Is everyone okay?" Niall wondered, making Liam give him a small smile.

"Everyone's fine. You're the one who got the worst of it. Louis has a few burns, but the rest of us got out in time." Liam stopped to look down at the tube coming out of Niall's nose before grabbing his hand and squeezing. "God Niall, I thought you were dead. We all did when they dragged you out and you were just so-" He stopped abruptly and looked away. Niall could tell he was trying not to cry, so he squeezed Liam's hand back sharply.

"I'm okay, Li. Although I could go for a drink of water." Before Niall had even finished, Liam was up and running to get some.

Niall let out a small breath, smiling as he did. He was okay.

Everyone was okay.

[1340 Words]

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