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I believe Eldarion is a very special child. A lot of people make up a ton of things on Eldarion. They do write stories about him. 
      Everyone says Eldarion is exactly like Aragorn (his father).  Some people say he isn't like his mom at all.  Like he doesn't have any part of Arwen in him whatsoever. People say that Eldarion wouldn't even be half elf at all.  He would be all Numenorian. I do not agree.  I think that Eldarion would have both his mom and his dad in him. I believe it would be a hundred percent on both.  The reason is because of who his mom was. She was practically a legend on the elven side.  She was obviously all elf. Everything about her was.  I don't understand why people say that Eldarion wouldn't have any of his mom in him.  Arwen also had  a lot of magical elven abilities. Why wouldn't her son have any of her in him?  I'm pretty sure Eldarion would inherit a lot of those elven abilities his mom had.
         What about Aragorn(his father)? Can't forget about him. Aragorn is Numenorian. He is a man.  A mortal who fell in love with an elf, (Arwen).  I agree that Eldarion can turn out to be a lot like his dad.  However,  I do not agree that Eldarion would be exactly like his dad and not have any if his mom in him at all.  I agree completely that Eldarion could be half his mom and half his dad. So,  Eldarion would have a lot of his dad in him as well. 
          Now a lot of people say that Eldarion is going to grow up to look exactly like his dad.  This still could be true but I still know that he would have a lit of his mom in him when it came to looks to.  Some say his eyes are green.  I don't disagree but  what if they were bright blue and I mean bright sky blue. Again,  that's just a guess.  No one really knows.  What about his physical appearance. Would Eldarion have muscles like his dad?  I belive so.  Would he have pointy ears like his mom?  Possibly.  What would the color of Eldarion's hair be?  Some say it would be medium or dark brown like his dad's.  But what if it was Golden brown. I believe his hair would be shoulder length long.  That would be cool right.  Just guessing. 
       Maybe Eldarion didn't have the chance to have any siblings.  Maybe Arwen died before he had a chance.  I'm not saying Eldarion didn't,  again I'm just guessing. 

There are many things Eldarion could be that no one knows about.  This is what I think. 

I hope you guys like the actually story, which will be started in the next chapter.


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