I'm Grateful For...

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1. Being able to finally accomplish self love: loving myself unconditionally. Being and feeling confident and comfortable in my own skin, accepting myself for who and what I am, flaws and all!

2. My mental health recovery: everything I've learned from it through the 22 months almost 2 years as well as the people who have taught me great and super helpful and life-saving lessons that I'll never forget.

3. Being able to feel again is a huge thing to never take for granted. In which I took my own mental health for granted and for longer than I first realized that I was mentally ill and for all that I've been through with it in recovery, suffering in silence and from my relapse and slip ups, I'm truly grateful for how far I've come and I'll never take my own mental health for granted again nor anything else.

I lost my voice. It's one thing to not be able to speak due to the stigma surrounding mental illness but it's another thing to completely experience that numbness and paralyzed feeling to a point where I could barely even speak at all more than enough. With society being so stubborn, closed-minded and blind to what the part of society is "trying" to educate, inspire and encourage the healthier and logical education on mental health and how they can do their part to view and treat mental health as it should be as well as human beings living with mental illness(s).

My Mental Health Life Story, Inspired Edition:Where stories live. Discover now