Therapy Update

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Been thinking with proof/evidence that I've been struggling with my emotions. And need therapy to help not just with that and other areas that DBT can help. It's similar to CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) but different and focuses on mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and one other. My next session is next Wednesday @ 3pm. Will start on this process then.

After today's session explaining in detail a few important events that have impacted my mood, behaviour and such.

Like my birthday event, college mental problems (experiencing depression, anxiety, isolation, procrastination, suicide) past events earlier before college and high school: parents precious actions, speeches, words spoken that have impacted and affected me negatively in ways that lead me to stop being honest with my parents, them taking away my self worth all the time also affecting me not being able to feel self confident, and able to love myself unconditionally!

Just a few to include. I haven't shared all these above but most of them. Will share those I haven't when a question or activity relates to them.

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