Chapter 4

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Chapter 4! Hope you enjoy<3


Ann's P.O.V.

My alarm clock goes off again with the same song.

"Okay I think I'm beginning to hate this song." I say to myself.

I jump out of bed and curl my hair for the day. It took like 10 minutes to curl my hair. I'm making pretty good time today. I do my makeup the usual way.

I go down stairs and I see Timmy eating some cereal. I grab some bread and put it in the toaster. The toast jumped out 5 minutes later and I ate it. I looked at the time and it was 8:00.

"Okay Tim, it's time to go now." I said grabbing my bag.

He was already half way out the door. Someone's eager to go to school.

I pull out my headphones and play my music. Classic by MKTO started to play. I LOVE this song!

I wave bye to Timmy when we get to our spot and I head towards the school gates.

I decided to go straight to my locker and then find my friends.

I get to my locker and I finally get my locker open. I open up my book bag to get out my books but then Brittany the Bitch decides it's completely okay to dump my whole bag on the ground and walk away. I was physically holding myself back. I just want to rip her head off.

I kneel down and start to pick up my school books. Then someone starts to help me pick them up. I look up to see Luke. He didn't look his usual self though. His lip ring was out and he has his eye brow pierced instead. What happened to that little dot on his nose? I just look up and rolled my eyes.

"Whoa. A simple thank you would be nice." He said handing me my stuff.

"Leave me alone Luke." I said turned towards my locker. He just starts dying laughing. "What is so funny?" I said shutting my locker.

"You think I'm Luke! That's hilarious!" He says holding his stomach. Does this kid have multiple personality disorder?

"Well aren't you?" I said kind of scared.

"No, not at all. I'm Jai, Luke's twin." He said still laughing a bit.

"Wait twin? Well that makes sense." I said leaning my back against the locker.

"Yeah so I'm guessing you guys have already dated?" He asks me.

"Ha! No way. Why would you think that?" I said curious.

"Oh well girls don't really hate Luke until they date." He said walking with me.

"Well I've just heard some stuff about him that I don't like, not to mention his whore over there likes to torment me." I said pointing at Brittany. He just laughs.

We walk up to James, Heidi, and Wendy. James and Jai bro hug. They know each other? I then look at Wendy and she was practically drooling. I sat next to her against the tree.

"Hey, you like Jai?" I said whispering so only me and her could hear.

"What? Ha! Noo. What makes you think that?" She nervously says.

"You're practically drooling over him right now. Just talk to him!" I said pushing her a little.

"Ohh he's doesn't notice me. I couldn't." She says in a shy tone.

"Hey Wendy." Jai says standing in front if us. She looks up and I swear it looked like she was looking at the 8th wonder of the world.

"Hi Jai." She looked down putting some hair behind her ear. Okay they totally like each other and it's my duty to get them together.

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