Chapter 16

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Sorry guys. I have some serious issues.

Well here's chapter 16! Hope you enjoys!<3


Ann's P.O.V.

It's been a good four months since I said yes to Griffin. School has been back in for 3 months and I haven't talked to any of my old friends. It's not like it's my choice, but that's another story. They always give me looks. I mean they aren't mean looks. They're more like 'what happened' looks.

My relationship with Griffin WAS perfect the first 2 months. He was sweet, generous, and caring. He made me feel like his whole world. He made me feel important and worth something. Then one day we just started to fight, and when I say fight, I mean fight, and it'll be over the stupidest shit!

For example I was over at his house and I took my shoes off in the living room and he gave me a look. I asked him what his problem was, and he just blew up saying how I think I can do what ever I want and how disrespectful I am.

He's the reason i can't talk to my old friends. He thinks they taught me bad habits and are awful influences. I just keep brushing it to the side, but it's not really helping anything.

The ending of our 3rd month, I confronted him on being a complete asshole. We haven't fought since and it feels like things are actually going back to normal.



It's lunch time and I'm meeting Griffin at our usual spot to eat lunch. I see Griffin sitting down and a few of his friends are around him. I arrive at the table and sit across from Griffin.

"Hey babe." He says looking at me and smiles.

"Hey. Whatcha guys talking about?" I say in my oh so cliche American accent.

"Frankie is having a party tomorrow and we are invited. Wanna go?" He asks me nodding his head.

"Hmm I don't know let me think about." I say in an excited tone.

I don't feel like going but, I need some social interaction besides Griffin and a few of his friends.

The bell rings for lunch to be over. Griffin and I walk down the hallway to our next class. His class is right next to mine.

On the way to our class, James, Jane, and Heidi, pass by us. Griffin sticks his foot out and trips James. I stopped dead in my tracks and watched James hit the ground. I was so incredibly surprised that Griffin would do that. I snapped back into reality and slapped griffins arm.

"Griffin! What the fuck?" I screamed in an angry tone. James was still on the ground with Heidi by his side and Jane burning holes through us, with her stare.

"What?" He says rubbing the spot where I hit.

"Why would you do that?" I questioned while flaring my arms in the air.

"Cause it was hilarious!" He smiles content with himself.

"Hilarious? That was far from hilarious." I snap back at Griffin.

"Hey it made me laugh." He says smiling at me.

By now James is watching the scene I made and so is the rest of the hallway.

"Hey Griffin. Go fuck yourself." I said bluntly and walked into the classroom fuming. I heard all the 'ohhh' from the low life's that watched.

I look around the room and try to find a seat. I see a seat in the middle that was completely abandoned.

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