¿¿Chapter 18??

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Okay guys don't kill me but please read this!! I know you are waiting for chapter 18, and I promise it's coming. I just wanted to say one thing.


I have over 10k reads. What?! Is that even possible?

Yes, yes it is obviously because it happened!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love every single one of you that reads my story. Is it weird that I want to talk to each and everyone of you. I want to be best friends with ALL of you! I mean it's not like I'm getting ass loads of messages because I'm such a social outcast.

Anyway! I was actually thinking about making YouTube videos. I have in the past and I never felt like they were good enough. I felt ashamed to do the videos.

This is where you come in. I desperately need your help, and when I say desperately I MEAN desperately.

You see when it comes to fanfictions, I'm chuck full of ideas, but when it comes to videos, I'm a big fail.

I need you guys to comment or message me or text me or email me or BBM me. I'm honestly begging you.

Since most of the people who read this are girls, I think you guys(girls) would have the best ideas of them all. So I'm just going to leave all my info on the bottom if you guys decide to text me or email me. Hell! You can even KIK me, that is IF you have KIK.

I would appreciate anything. If you don't have ideas then just watch them. That's all I can ask.

I love you guys so much!! <3 <3



Number: 6788137635

Email: Katievanup@hotmail.com

KIK: kvanvoorn

BBM: 79F2D8C8

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