We knew it was love

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Viktor's P.O.V.

As many of our fans know, me and Yuuri have gotten married just days ago! The day I proposed I asked him what he felt for me. Considering he has like 30 posters of me on his wall (and yes, I've seen them, but don't let him know!) I half expected him to just say it outright, but he didn't. He had to make it Yuuri-fied and complicated! Of course!

"O-oh! Viktor! I. . . I think of you as. . .Well. . ." He blushed as he said it, so cute~!
"You think of me as? Your lover? I mean, I am. . ." Please say yes to the proposal! I love you Yuuri! Please! Please! Yuuri!

"I like you as my coach! And as a skater! and my lover and-- and-- "
I look at him in surprise "A-And?"
"Viktor, I love you!" He yells as he runs into my arms, making us both blush harshly and smile brightly. I could see tears forming at the corners of his eyes because of the happiness and relief he got from finally actually admitting that. Not like I hadn't known though, silly boy.

"Yuuri, these rings. . .Can't they mean something between us? Please Yuuri~" I beg him. Of course he would say yes, and so that's how my awkward and complicated proposal went.

Thinking about it now makes me smile. Just months ago when I technically asked Yuuri to marry me he was acting so confused, as if he didn't think I'd actually ever ask, just like he thought when I asked him about being his actual boyfriend. Not some weirdo coach who kissed him on live television.

I guess since we moved into a new apartment in St. Petersburg Yuuri is a bit upset since we aren't as close to his family as we originally planned, but after being bombarded by crazed fans who knew about our marriage we decided it was for the better to just go to Russia. He made the decision, not me. I was shocked when I came home from practicing and (since he'd already been home an hour or so before) found all of our stuff in boxes, at first I felt like I wanted to cry, but seeing this Yuuri quickly hugged me and said that there was nothing to worry about, and he wasn't leaving any time soon. I nodded softly, but being as I was still very confused I had to ask.

"What's with all the boxes then, Yuuri? If you aren't leaving, what is this?"

"I've had enough of those creepy fans that peek in the windows and look for us all the time, since your last win, there's been at least five people outside, and that was only three weeks ago. . ."

I realize Yuuri is being paranoid more then usual, but I guess this is because he's a newly married man and he's probably worried about having children later in our marriage, then letting people know and having them peer into the windows and try to open our doors.
At least, that's why I'm worried. But there isn't any more then that little bit of stress from that thought. I've also not been the one at home when Yuuri sees these people, but I--
Wait just one second.

"Yuuri, what is that?"
"What is what?" I now notice he's slightly shaking, has he been the entire time?
"W-wait, you're shaking? What happened while I was away? Did something happen?"
"N-no. . .I'm. . .I'm just tired." he manages to tell me, whilst stuttering.

"No, something happened. Tell me, Yuuri. That scrape and the blood wasn't there when I left this morning. It wasn't there when we got to practice either. I know you fell and all, but you couldn't have gotten cut like that from the fall you made." I peer down at the ground to make sure he hadn't broken any sort of glass and that's what the bleeding was, but there was no indication of broken glass, plastic, metal or any sort of whatever that could have harmed my precious husband. "Yuuri." I say with a worried, warning kind of tone.

"Okay, yes. Fine, something did happen, but I'm fine, I promise. It's nothing to get worked up about, I promise you Viktor."

Just then, my phone went off and it seemed to be Yurio calling me. Weird, he only calls when he needs something or there's something going on. I decided to answer the call, considering the fact that it's probably important. When I go to say my usual 'hello' I hear Yurio breathing heavily and saying something in broken English.

"Yurio?" I blush and say his name so he can hear me. It's not like he can't but, I wanted to make sure. "Is everything alright with you? Is it an emergency?"

"I n-need to ask you something."
"Ask away, Yurio." I say, thinking there's still something wrong
"I need to ask you. . . How did you get Yuuri to fall in love with you? I can't seem to figure it out. . .I need advice for. . .Reasons."
I snicker and question his. . . 'Question.'
"HEY YOU SHUT IT, OLD MAN! You wouldn't understand anyway with all those girls who get up your ass and just instantly fall in love with it! You'd never have to ask! You'd just get halfway through the sentence and--" he goes on. . . and on. . .and on. . .

He sort of has a valid point, but I also know that Yuuri wasn't all that interested at first. Sure he idolized me, but just because he did, didn't mean he wanted to ever marry me. It just so happened to play out like that.

"Alright, well why don't you just ask the nice woman on a date and take her somewhere nice, I don't know. I've never tried to make a woman happy, you know. Yuuri is my only love."

"Who says it's a woman I'm trying to please? You don't actually think I'd come to you for love advice for a woman do you? Like hell, Viktor! Just shut up already, I'm bored of our conversation. This isn't over yet." and just like that, the line goes dead.

[A.N. : So this is the first chapter for my story, I'm planning on making it pretty long, too! Please leave me a message or suggestion! If there seems to be something off about this, please let me know! Thanks!]

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