Pain and Heaven (Ch. 17, Part 1)

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[Viktor's P.O.V]

"Yuuri, breathe! Take my hand if you need it!" I find myself yelling in our hospital's hallway, while rushing to the delivery room. 
I don't know why I'd thought getting a ride home from Hasetsu while Yuuri is late with his due date was a good idea. I just wanted to take him home so he could rest, and since we had Makka and Scruffy, we wasted lots of time getting him to the hospital. 

It started on the day we got back to the airport, and were heading home to Moscow: Sunny, happy day. Yuuri wasn't stressed out or upset, and when he got on the plane itself, he wasn't freaking out for once! That's amazing! And again, about halfway through the ride home he felt pain in his entire lower body, enough to make him cry and almost scream. When he held my hand, I gasped because he was actually squeezing the hell out of it, and I don't know why it didn't click before. Probably because this happened once already. I told him to ignore it, because it was probably more of those Braxton Hicks contractions or whatever, and he was probably getting it because of the altitude we were at. He shook his head and told me it was worse, but then he told me I might've been right, because the pain alleviated shortly. It only lasted about about a half minute, and felt just painful enough for him to notice. Shortly after that he seemed to be quiet, until like twenty-five minutes later he was doing the same thing, this time he was in tears. I bit my lip wondering if he really could be in labor, and I wonder what will happen when we get off, we have Makka and Scruffy with us, so we would need to bring them home, and call Yuri to watch them for a few days while Yuuri and I are in the hospital. I also figured I'd need to grab our emergency overnight bag from our room when we get home, and with all things happening in this chaos Yuuri would be okay. 

As we got to the airport at home, I grabbed what I needed: all our luggage, our beautiful fur-babies and of course Yuuri. I got in the car with our things and rushed to get home. Yuuri was in agonizing pain and this is where I started to worry that he actually was in labor. I looked at him and he was holding back a scream, and a few tears. I whined and got home as fast as possible, then I rushed around, taking care of the dogs, calling Yuri, getting the over night bag and a bunch of stuff for the new arrival, and then something for Yuuri to squeeze instead of my hand for right now. His contractions are still about ten to twenty minutes apart from each other, I lost track, but that means that he's dilating quickly, and by the time we get to the hospital in about forty-five minutes, he could be ready to push. I rushed him there, freaking out just a little more by the minute, I see Yuuri is trying to relax and it makes me really nervous because he's taking quick, uneven breaths. I glance over at him and whine, telling him to take deep, slow breaths. He listened to me and started taking slower, deeper breaths, but he was still breathing heavily. When I pulled up to the hospital, I paid the valet out front to park the car and rushed Yuuri and all our things inside, trying to find a doctor or nurse quickly. Once I found someone, they put him in a bed and let him stay there until Dr. Petrov asked for him to be moved. Then they rolled the bed down the hall, and to the first open delivery room.

 "Yuuri, breathe! Take my hand if you need it!" I tell him, as he screams uncomfortably.
I know he's still dilating yet, but I believe he won't be for much longer. 
Maybe I'm wrong, but I still think he's moving much faster than I wished he were, I can barely keep up as is! I try to keep him relaxed, but he's crying so much and he's in so much pain and he's just screaming in agony as his contractions pass by now. I whisper soft, sweet things into his ear and he smiles and cries, then grasps my hand and squeezes the life out of it. I groan softly, feeling awful, my heart full of sympathy for my angel. Everything seems to have slowed down, he's now getting contractions between ten and twelve minutes and all I can think of is our baby, how our lives are about to get a huge change in it, and for the first time ever during Yuuri's pregnancy

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