Watashi wa hana o mitsuketa! (I found my flower!)

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[Yuuri's P.O.V. (please correct if that is the wrong translation!)]

I find myself rushing around the house to find Viktor. To see if what I've done has finally set him off, and he left. I heard the door close and I know he isn't inside the house, so I go outside and nearly run into him as he was just about to open the door. I turn pink, my eyes still letting a steady drip of tears out, and I turn back inside and sit on the couch, my head in my hands.
Viktor says something quietly, then walks upstairs. I panic and run after him, thinking he's pulling the same thing again, but instead of finding him in our room packing things up, he's in the nursery, putting a white lilly in a vase, and I stop and stare confusedly for a moment, and I recall a time when Viktor said his favorite flower was a white lilly, because it made him think of me. He said it had beauty and grace, and it's soft pale petals made it look so elegant.  

I sigh, and I can see the surprise on Viktor's face because I don't think he noticed me come into the room. He looks at me and sighs, nodding. All I want from him right now is a simple hug, but when he gives it to me I suddenly don't want him to touch me. Maybe it's for fear that all my failures will rub off on him, and make him something less then perfect. He looks almost dead to be completely honest, and it hurts me more then anything to see him like that, knowing that I can't do anything, and that I am the reason he's like this.
I feel myself shaking, and I look at him in the eyes, almost in a begging way and I talk to him.
"Y-you aren't leaving are you?" I say worriedly.
"No, why would I ever?" 
"Just. . . Worried, okay?" I say shaking  more, feeling sick at this point. I end up walking out of the room to get sick, and it burns as I cough up anything I've eaten in the last few hours. I hear Viktor come into the bathroom quietly, he doesn't come near me, like he's been told not to come too close. I sigh, feeling awful, but I then decide to get up and just go sleep this all off, thinking I'd feel better in the morning.
I push past Viktor and sigh, heading to bed. I'm tired anyway, even if I have slept late for the last three or four days. 


I woke up early today, and I see Viktor is in bed too now. I squint over at the clock, which is on his side of the bed. I turn and grab my glasses putting them on, then look again. 
Oh great, I guess I'm waking up at five in the morning because I went to bed early, but now I can't tell because I feel sick, and this has obviously happened before. 
I get out of bed and I hear Viktor complain in his sleep, and he's mumbling a word I just so happen to recognize: Kiseki, which means miracle.
I guess he's having a good dream, but I'm living in hell. I'm still pretty miserable, but I'll get over it soon enough. 

I expected this sickness to be over with quickly, but it wasn't. It stayed with me that whole day, and then some. It's been about four days since I started to feel sick again, and so I decided to sneak off to the doctor again, but this time I left a note to avoid what happened last time.

Dear Viktor, 

Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Yes, I promise. I just went to the store to get some things for dinner tonight to make up for me being so selfish and mean to you. 

I'm sorry, I love you my darling.

-- Love, Yuuri Niki-Katsuki 

At least this should stop him from worrying now. I know it's a lie, but I really was planning on making him something special, so in retrospect it isn't that much of a lie, I'm just adding the doctor into the equation here, because god knows I need it. . .
When I go, the doctor questions why I'm here alone, because she knows Viktor is always connected at the hip with me.
"He's still asleep, and I didn't wanna wake him. We got into a fight yesterday because of all the stress on ourselves. I'm gonna make it up to him, but I just need to know what's wrong with me. I had a miscarriage about a week ago, and I still feel all the symptoms of pregnancy very strongly, I even have a small bump still. . .Is there any chance that maybe I am still pregnant?" I ask with concern in my voice.
"It's not likely, but we can take a quick look if you'd like? Have you taken a pregnancy test recently, just to see?" Dr. Petrov looks at me curiously. I shake my head and she nods.
"Well, would you prefer to take one then? Or would you rather me do an ultrasound?"
"Can we do both? Just to be completely sure?"
"Of course we can. You can never be too careful. Let me just go get you that test, then I can take a quick look and by the time we're done there, the test should be good to go." She smiles and leaves the room briefly to do just what she said, and by the time I came back from taking the test, I could tell I was shaking. She had me lie down, and we did all the normal stuff, the gel, the wand, the screens. After about five minutes she looks at me and smiles wide. 
"Yuri, you seem to have a little miracle on your hands. You'll be having a baby Katsuki in about six and a half months." she smiles, handing me some tissue to get cleaned up. 
I go to the store, in a better mood then the last six weeks. Dr. Petrov just told me I'm almost three months pregnant with a baby I thought died a week ago, my husband loves me and wants to be with me, and best of all, all the things Viktor got for us and our new family aren't a constant and painful reminder now. Better than that, my arm is almost fully healed, so I won't need a cast in the next week or so because it was just sprained! I can't wait to tell Viktor! He must be so sleepy right now, my adorable little husband! I reach into my pocket and feel something in there, I frown and pull it out, blushing softly as I realize I still have the test. I can show Viktor this for proof! 

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