Merry Viksmas!

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[Yuuri's P.O.V. Late December]

Finally, it's only a few days off of Viktor's birthday and he finally wants to tell everyone else, other than our friends about our tiny Nikisuki spawn. Wow, what a strange thing that name is. . .I really wish I knew the gender, but we have to wait because we wanted a surprise. It's the morning of December 22nd and I get up feeling amazing! I get up out of bed and kiss Viktor on the cheek and then go downstairs to make coffee and do some laundry for Viktor, because he's been running out of clothes to wear, and time to wash them. He didn't seem to move much when I kissed him this morning, but as I'm doing laundry he hugs me from behind and scares me just a little bit. 
"Hi, Viktor, you're up suddenly!"
"Mhm. . .And you're up early. . .Why are you doing the laundry at four in the morning?"
"Four in the-- No, it's like eight, isn't it?"
"Are you one hundred percent sure you aren't on drugs?"
"Viktor! Seriously, I looked at the clock this morning and it said like 8:30?"
"You have never been more wrong. . ." he says with a big yawn.
I push him and pull out my phone and show him it's eight o clock. He seems slightly shocked then he groans and tells me he's sorry. I get it cause he's tired, but he's just so ditsy in the morning. . .That makes me worry. . .

I have Viktor sit on the couch and wake up before he does something stupid, because let's face it, he might. I kiss his head and rub his cheek with my hand, moving his hair out of his face, which falls right back in it. I sigh and look at him, smiling softly.
"Hi, Yuuri. . ." He says softly
He puts a hand on my belly and smiles wide, feeling a soft kick, then a little push, and he giggles. 
"Yes, hello to you too, Katsu. . ."
"Are we really keeping that name still?" I giggle, holding his hand, staring at our rings. He nods and I laugh softly, letting him have his fun. A bit later he asks me if I still want to be open about our baby, and I tell him yes, and I was wondering when he wanted to put his little idea into action. He said in two days, he had the best idea, but he wouldn't tell me, which made me a bit sad and slightly irritated, but it's okay as long as it's not some crazy idea. . .


Okay, now that it's Viktor's birthday I have to get up early and make him breakfast but I'm so tired today that I don't wanna get out of bed. Viktor will be asleep for the next three or more hours or so I don't have to worry too much, but I still don't wanna get up and that makes me feel bad. I sit up and feel all sorts of movement inside me, which makes me gasp a bit loudly. I sigh softly, feeling things slow down in there, and I get up and head downstairs. 
Once I'm there I think of Viktor's favorite breakfast and start to make it, I think I hear him getting up, but I'm not too sure, until I hear him fall onto the floor. I hear how hard it was, but he's probably fine if he hasn't moved yet. Sometimes when he sleeps he falls out of bed and usually he stays there. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten all worried about him and when I go see what's up he's on the ground sleeping or sitting up, rubbing his head in pain. I stopped worrying so much and let him be him, because there's no point in worrying about your dorky legendary skater husband if you know he's fine. 
But now thoughts pass through my head and I get nervous, so I run to him and check to make sure he's okay still, just because I'm way too worried.

"Viktor. . .?"
I get a groan in response, which means he's fine, still asleep. No need for me to worry. 
I shiver and sigh, looking down at my feet, then I frown upon realizing that I'm currently unable to see them, but I know they're touching the cold hardwood floor that spreads all across our house, except the nursery of course. I rub my arms a little bit and go to get a pair of socks and a sweater. By the time I turn around, my husband stands at the side of the bed, looking exhausted. 
"Hey, honey-bear. . ."
"Mm. . .Hi." He flops onto the bed, wrapping himself up in blankets again. 
"Happy birthday. . .I was making breakfast. . .And then you fell."
"Viktor, I've got a present for you if you want it right now. . .?" I speak to him gently because I know he isn't fully awake, but he seems to be listening closely. 
He sighs, then sits up, looking at me like a confused puppy. Speaking of, ours are both in my spot of the bed, so I can't really sit down right now. Viktor smiles at me seeing as I'm wearing a fluffy sweater and socks, then he sighs softly. 
"The floor is really cold this time of year, huh?"
"Of course it is, it's like twenty-three degrees right now. . ."
"Really? Huh. . .It's cold."
"It's Christmas, love. . ."
"That too. Hey, Yuuri. . .?"
"Yes, Viktor?"
"I love you. . ."
"I know you do, I love you too, Viktor."

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