My love, our love

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[A.N: God I'm sorry for the shitty titles guys 😂]

[Viktor's P.O.V]

I walked out of the bathroom in order to distract the press from Yuuri, letting him get out and to the car, or at least with our friends for safety. Almost immediately I've got microphones in my face, and a thousand questions being thrown at me.
"What is it that you and Yuuri Katsuki are hiding from the world? They want to know!"
"Who's idea was it to move to Moscow, and what was with the sudden fight you had a few months back?"
"What do you and Yuuri feel about you winning yet another gold medal?"
"Why did Mr. Katsuki quit this year? Is it because he doesn't want to compete against you for fear your relationship might fall apart?"

I stop them from speaking as soon as I open my mouth. I lead them away from the bathroom, taking them outside, away from our rental car making it safe for Yuuri.
"Me and Yuuri have been working on a big project. Our new home is because of this little incident, and no it will not be ruining our marriage anytime soon. Yuuri quit competing this year because he's on a medical leave for the next seven months."
Immediate responses.
"Is it because he hurt himself during a practice, or because he got silver at last year's competition, and he's retiring for real this time?"
"What is the cause of his medical leave?"
"Can you tell us more about why Katsuki left?"
Again, as I open my mouth, people go quiet, letting me speak.
"Yuuri and I are currently trying to get situated in a new house, he wanted to get used to this, because it is quite a bit of stress. Our new home address will not be disclosed due to privacy issues, because of the last few months have gotten out of hand with--"
Just then, I hear the sound of a familiar voice calling for me, sounding worried, I quickly rush past the mob of people asking questions, letting them know that the interview was officially over.

I run over to Yuuri, holding his hand, feeling him shake. There are people from the press following him, and people from our fan-base trying to snap pictures and steal his things. I grab his arm and pull him close, kissing him, just so the fan-girls can go wild and have some nice pictures of me claiming what's mine. I notice a few others were stopped to answer some questions, and I decided that it was time to leave for me and Yuuri, they can get the attention. Once we're both in the car, I hold Yuuri's hand, frowning.
"Are you okay? You sounded very scared, Yuuri, did something happen?"
"Aside from nearly dying, myself, our baby almost got hurt! And I think someone ripped your jacket. . ." He goes on about how stressed out he is, and I grab his collar and yank him into a sweet kiss, feeling worried about how much stress he's putting on our little Katsu-chan. When he pulls off the kiss, he looks at me, shocked.
"Viktor, that was the best kiss I've ever had. . .Besides the one at our wedding. . ."
"Really? Should I kiss you like that more often, or. . .?"
He stays quiet thinking about what just happened. I drive back to our hotel, hoping no one is waiting there for us. I half expect there to be rabid fans trying to keep, and or kill our unborn baby.

When we pull up to the hotel, it seems like no one is there, so we go inside and head to our room, just before I close the door, it's stopped by one of our fellow skater friends.
"Christophe Giacometti! I can't believe you're here!" I say excitedly.
"Yes, hello Viktor, Yuuri. May I come in and have a chat? I've already heard the great news when I last talked to Pichit." He smiles and says softly.
I let him inside and warn Yuuri that Chris is here, and he nods, looking absolutely exhausted. My poor Yuuri.
"Yuuri, I'm so proud that you and Viktor have finally conceived a child together. Pichit told us all about how you can have children, and everyone started to wonder when you'd come out and say it. Pichit doesn't have any clue does he?"
"He does, actually, we saw him just last week, and he promised not to tell until we were ready."
"I see. Well it's really quite something, with you. I'm surprised you haven't tried sooner, to be honest."
"I was actually quite worried when Yuuri came home that day. We didn't fight, it just seems like we did to those story-deprived press reporters. I was so excited and happy, but now Yuuri doesn't think we're ready. . .I think that's partially why."
"Actually, I never thought we were. I still don't. I'm in constant fear that we are going to be the worst parents ev--" he suddenly gasps and sits completely still, he has his hand over his mouth, the other on his stomach.
"Kicking again?" I ask. He shakes his head and I get worried a little.
"I think it's head is moving, but I can't tell, and this is stressing me out, and I don't want a repeat of what happened two months ago."
"What happened two months ago? How far along is Yuuri?" Chris asks.
"That isn't important right now, I just want Yuuri to relax."
I stop for a moment then go over to Yuuri and kiss his head a bunch before having him lay on his side, he looks miserable, and in pain. I start to rub his sides and Chris looks confused, but understanding. He seems calm now, but I feel worried because if that is what happened before, we might not come out so lucky this time.

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