From here to there, my love is everywhere

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Viktor's P.O.V [Btw, that vid above is a REALLY good AMV of the song In the name of Love - but Yuri!!! on Ice )

I realized that day, I should have said what I was planning on doing, but the shock came so hard that I guess I forgot to tell Yuuri how happy I really was, and yes, I was very happy. I just wasn't prepared to give up this next season because my husband and I were having a child, I needed to think things over, all the while find a better place for a child to be raised, and a safer house, where no one can get in, including the press. 
I wanted to get a house (check, done.), then get everything we would need for the new baby (also done.) I got everything sorted out and finished in two weeks time, incredible! But, I guess Yuuri was mad at me considering he was ignoring all my calls. . . I called his cell about twelve or more times and the landline about six or seven times. No answer. Voicemail, an error message, or even just a tone that told me the line was busy (which was only one time, but I got no calls back. . .)

"Yuuri, please. . .I would never leave you all alone, no matter the circumstances. I promise you I'd never leave you, not without you saying so first, and even then I'd still try my very best to keep you."
I look at him, now laying in our bed, in some dry clothes I put him in. He must not have been doing much around here, because everything is pretty much the same as it was when I left, including his clothes.
"Yuuri, please tell me you've been taking care of yourself. . .You look terrible, even though you look beautiful. . ."
He looks like he wants to be sick, he coughs and groans, shivering softly. I pout at him and rub his leg gently.
"Y-Yuuri. . .?"
"G-give me a minute. . .I c-can't think straight."
I let him gather his thoughts and he suddenly seems to be crying, my eyes widen and I hug him, trying to get him to collect himself.
"Y-Yuuri, I'm so sorry. . .I meant to go make our lives better, but I left without telling you and I just made it so much worse!" I begin to tear up seeing my husband cry, and act like this. He sits up a little, propping himself up with his elbow, his arms are covered in bandages I had for accidents on the ice.
"Viktor. . .I think we should talk about the last two weeks. . ."
"Me too, Yuuri. . ."
"You look so tired. . .Maybe we should just get some sleep first. . ."
"N-no, please. . .I missed you, we should talk!" I touch his cheek lovingly.
He nods, accepting the fact that even if I am tired, I want to make this all right.

I hold him close, but he doesn't seem to want to be near me really, but I need to be close to him because there has just been way too much distance between us lately. Eventually he gets comfortable and snuggles me, then buries his nose in my side, taking in my scent.
"So. . ." He starts "tell me what happened, why you left. . .What you mean by you wanted to make our lives better. . .?"

"Yuuri, to tell you the whole story, I'd have to take you to where I was. . . So I can give you my surprise. . ."
"Then do it, I just want to know why you decided to leave me. . ." He's crying again, and I assume it's because of how out of whack his hormones are, or just the fact that he didn't think he'd ever see me again. 
"Yuuri, I'm sorry. . .Trust me, please, I felt so happy when you told me, and I was worried, so I had to think about it, and I wanted to do something special, we needed to move out of here, it's so. . Open to the press. They always find their way in here no matter what, so I wanted a new place where no one would know where we are. Where no one can get to us. . .A safe place for our kids. I drove for almost nine and a half hours to Moscow, to find us a new place. . ."
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know you'd be upset! And I jus-" he cuts me off with a sweet kiss, more tears, and a small smile. 
"Thank you, my love. . ." I stopped for a moment, then realized he was happy! Go me! I'm not a bad Viktor!
I guess you could say I am Viktor-ious! 
[Admin: Viktor, stop. . .]

I smile softly and hold his hand, then frown again, noticing Yuuri has lost a bit of weight.
"Yuuri, tell me the answer to my question earlier. . ."
"Which one? About me?"
"Yes, about you, have you been taking care of yourself? You know you need to more then--"
"--Anything right now, yes. . . I know. But. . .I haven't really, no. If I'm being honest, I don't think it'll make it. . ."
My eyes widen at his words. I feel broken inside, after all I did. But, he is right. I think a little bit and sigh, then I lift him up bridal style, carefully, making sure his arms are securely on top of him, so they don't get bumped or bruised, or even start to bleed worse. I then proceed to take him downstairs, and to the couch, I then make him something to eat, and I sit with him. 

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