Couldn't be sooner

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[Viktor's P.O.V.; it's early March]

Yuuri has been getting weaker and more tired more often and it worries me, but I know he's just entering his eighth month. He's been complaining about feeling all kinds of movement lately, and just like the doctor said, it's probably the baby pushing and kicking and rolling around trying to get ready to be born. I tell Yuuri about how that's what the doctor told me on the phone and he sighs, being all upset and stressed. 
He looks at me and sighs, smiling softly, but I knew behind his smile, there was a little bit of something besides happiness. I put my finger under his chin and lift his head to look at me as I stand in front of him. 
"What is wrong, Yuuri?"
"I just remember when I was younger, I always thought I'd never be happy in my life. . . And now I'm married to the living legend Viktor Nikiforov, and we're expecting a baby. . ."
"Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you. . .You know, I wasn't happy until I met you.  You changed my life Yuuri. . ."
"You changed mine, too. . .I love you . . ." He says with tears in his eyes. 
Suddenly we are interrupted by Yuuri's phone going off, it seems to be his sister, Mari. 
"M-Mari? What's going on? Is everything okay?"
I stay quiet and rub his hand, making him relax a little bit. He talks to Mari for about five minutes, then he looks at me and blushes. My family wants us to come there so we can have some time off of all this craziness. . ."
"Craziness? I mean, I guess that's what it is, but. . .Yuuri, we can't go, you're--"
"We have to, Viktor. . .It's a great way to relax and get rid of stress, plus my mom and dad want to see us. . ."
"I guess you're right, but how do they know what's going on?"
"I tell my mom everything, Viktor. . .I'm sorry. . ."
"It's alright, it's not as bad as a few months ago. . ."
"When. . .Bad things happened. . ."
"Stop bringing it up, and just forget it. . ."
I nod, taking his hand, pulling him close to me from off the couch. 
"Why don't we go outside for a little bit. . .?" He says calmly.
"What for? It's like 8:30, it's dark out. . .?"
"For some fresh air, because it's a little bit stuffy in here, and it's actually making me feel more stressed out. . ."
"Outside sounds lovely right now. Let's go." I take his arm and lead him outside. His glasses fall to the tip of his nose and I giggle at him pushing them up carefully. Once we're outside, he sits in a chair and sighs happily. I giggle to myself and notice that he's falling asleep, then I poke him in the stomach, laughing at how cute my husband looks. 
"Yuuri, you remind me of when we first met with that look on your face, it's so cute and pure!"
"Hush, I am not cute. . ."
"Are so!"
He smirks and gives into my love, giggling softly. I sit next to him, running a hand through his hair, making him smile and giggle.
"Yuuri, you couldn't be more cute right now, plus you're carrying my baby!"
"Well, soon enough you'll be carrying them too, just not in the same way. . ."
"I hope so, I can't wait! I want this so bad Yuuri!" I say excitedly. 
He watches the dogs run around, and soon enough he's leaning on my shoulder, falling asleep again. I ask if he wants to go to bed yet and he says no, he's happy where he is. I smile and kiss his head, staying here with my Katsudon King and Prince and/or Princess. 


A few days later, we're on our way to Hasetsu, and Yuuri is already worrying about what could happen on the airplane again. I reassure him and hum, keeping him calm. 
"Don't think about it, and it won't be able to affect you."
It doesn't help the fact that he looked at the weather patterns and saw a storm on it's way to Moscow. He sits stressfully on the plane, waiting to take off. He makes a noise and squeezes my hand, making us both nervous. Me for him, and him for whatever it is he's afraid of. He looks at me and blushes, waving his hand* "D-don't worry, Viktor. . .It's just. . .movement. Again. . ."
"Well, try to relax, you're all tense, it isn't good."
"I know, I'm sorry. . ."
When our conversation ended, he leaned on my shoulder, and I laced our fingers together, rubbing his hand with my thumb. He calmed down quite a bit with just that, and he soon fell asleep. My little Yuuri~!

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