Cute Harry Styles Imagine

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Hey guys, so we finally have another one direction imagine, and I'm sorry if it isn't very good, ill try my best. An this is dedicated to Angel!

Angel's POV:

"I'm going to work." I yell to my mom who is in the next room over.

"OK!" She yells back.

I slide my sneakers on and grab my keys before jogging to my car and climbing in the front seat and shivering at the cold weather.

I put the keys in and turn the radio and the heat on.

I pull into the Starbucks parking lot climb out of my car, stretching my legs and heading for the front door.

As I open the front door the joyous bells ring above my head and everybody turns there attention to me but soon turns back to there tables, except for one.

The curly haired boy who is there like everyday, continues to stare as I make my way behind the counter and throw my jacket on the chair and grabbing my green apron and tying it in the back.

I turn my gaze to the counter to see the curly haired boy standing there.

I let out a little squeal, not expecting him to be there but instead of giving me a deadly glare like normal customers, he gives me a small smile and a chuckle.

"Mocha Frappe, please." He answers, with a British accent.

He seems familiar but he has sun glasses on so I wouldn't know.

"Name?" I ask him.

"Harry." He answers.

I nod and tell him to take a seat and I tart preparing the water.

I finish off with some whipped cream and I go over to the mic.

"Harry." I say, causing everyone to look at the curly haired boy who is walking to the counter.

"That'll be $8.23." I tell him.

He nods and hand me the money and a napkin and takes his drink, leaving without another word.

I put the money in the correct slots in the cash register and look at the napkin and open it up.

Dear Angel,

Your really pretty and cute I'm surprised you didn't recognize me, but I was wearing sun glasses! Call me,

xxx-xxx-xxxx ;)

P.S. I read your name tag so I know your name

I look at the note and throw it
In the trash, but not before writing the phone number in my phone,

Just in case, ya never know.

-At Home-

I go on my computer and open up twitter to see that my sister is logged in, ugh.

She has a new notification,

Harry styles tweeted,

Just met the cutest girl today in Starbucks

I quickly sign out and pick my phone up, deciding whether or not to call that guy.

I decide on calling him and hanging up if he sounds creepy.

I dial in the number,

One ring

Two rings


"Hello?" The deep British accent of the boy from Starbucks answers.

"Hi." I say shyly.

"Who is this?" He says, nervously.

"Girl from Starbucks..." I trail off, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

"Angel?" He asks.

I nod but then realize that he can't see me so I answer with a 'Yeah'.

"Well, Angel my name is Harry, Harry Styles." He says, I can almost picture the grin on his face.

"I know." I whisper.

"Huh? How?" He asks suspiciously.

"My sisters twitter." I answer in a hushed tone.

He doesn't answer for awhile but then the line goes quiet and all I hear is 'beep beep beep beep'

Did he just hang up on me?

I lay on my bed before Laying my head down and drifting to sleep.

I'm awaken by the door bell, I looks the time- 9:00 PM,

I slept for 4 hours?

I sit up and run my head before going downstairs and answering the door.

"Hi." The familiar voice says.

I look up to see Harry.

"W-how-huh?" I flip flop over my words.

"It took me awhile but I found you and I wanna talk to you." He says.

He looks me in the eyes.

"When I look at you, I can see the glimmer in your eyes and I can see your cute little nose scrunch up when your nervous, I see your ears move when your hair tickles them and I can see your lips form perfectly when you speak." He starts.

"And truth is Angel is a perfect name because your are an angel, and since the first time I Kaye's eyes on you, I knew that you weren't just any angel, you were my angel." He finished with a small smile.

I look him in the eyes and give him a toothy grin before pulling him inside and lay on the couch with him and cuddle.

Before I drift to sleep I hear is soft yet melodious voice start to sing.

"Cause its to cold, for angels to fly."


What did ja think about this Harry Styles imagine? I know it's not my best but I thought it was cute!

I'm sorry I've been holding off on one direction imagines, you guys have been asking for one and I'm really sorry for the gigantic delay!

Luv ya, and thanks for reading



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