Cute Ed Sheeran Imagine

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If you're following me then you know how much me and Becca love Ed Sheeran!

Your POV:

"Cause you and I, ended over UNI and I said that's fine, but you're the only one who knows I lied" You silently hum Ed Sheeran's UNI as you get dressed to go to your swim meet.

You pull on your red one piece swimsuit and some running shorts and an Ed Sheeran T-Shirt.

"(Y/N) hurry up or we'll be late." Your mom calls from downstairs.

"Almost ready." You say, grabbing your goggles and swimming cap.

You run downstairs and into the kitchen and grab a water bottle before running to the car to see your mom already ready to go.

You give her a smile and turn the radio on and start to sing along to Demons by Imagine Dragons.

Your mom pulls up to the front of the High School and unlocks the doors.

"Good luck hon, I have to find a parking spot." She says with a small smile.

You nod and jog to the entrance and run to the pool.

You see half of your team already there and talking about something.

"Hey (Y/N)!" The coach yells to you! waving.

You wave back at her and sit down with the team.

"Well guys, there was a tragic accident." The coach says looking at Marie, who is tearing up.

"Well, Marie's unborn sister died yesterday." She announces.

You look at Marie with nothing but sympathy in your eyes.

"Well, we are lucky enough to have a dedication to the baby before the swim meet and we will be having a very special performance." She says.

"Lets practice." She finishes.

Almost all of us, including you, run to Marie and envelope her in a hug with tears in your eyes

'I'm so sorry' and 'feel better' went through the gym, echoing off the walls.

We start to practice swimming 3 laps at a time.

It's finally your turn and the whistle goes off and you jump into the water, doing the Breaststroke swimming as fast as possible and getting to the end and flipping around and swimming with all your might.

You get to the edge and Lillian helps you up and grab a towel.

Everyone is looking at you like your crazy.

"What?" You ask.

The coach comes over and pats you on the shoulder.

"That was amazing." She smiles brightly.

"Thank you coach." You say grinning like a madman.

"Keep it up." She says before walking away.

You dry your legs off and throw the towel on the bench.

You hear the door to the gym squeak and turn to see a lock of sunburnt hair leaving the gym, but you can't see the person.

You ignore it and just get ready for the tournament.

"And before we start our swim meet we would like to dedicate this song to Danielle Morgan who was taken away before she was brought to this world." Coach says.

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