Cute Calum Hood Imagine

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Hey guys! This is dedicated to Megankayhoran!


Meghan's POV:

"Honey, uh can you come here?" My mom calls from downstairs.

"Sure mom!" You call while pulling on some sweats and running downstairs.

"Yeah?" You ask.

"I have to go to Tallahassee for a job interview and I can't find any one to watch you." She says with a frown.

"Mom I'm not six anymore, I'm 17 I can watch myself." I tell her with a small amount of sarcasm in there.

"Ok ok, but no parties and NO boys!" She stresses.

"Mum, the only boy I would have over is Calum and he wouldn't pull anything." I tell her with a smile.

She nods, "Calum can come over but if he tries any-"

"Mom, it's Calum not Michael." I tell her with a giggle.

She chuckles, "Alright, Alright I love you." She kisses my forehead and grabs her luggage.

"Ill see you in a week Meg." She says with a small smile.

"Ill be waiting!" I tell her and she walks out the door.

I immediately grab my cell phone and dial Calum.

"Hey Cal! Can you come over?" I ask him.

"Sure, when?" He asks.

"Now!" I yell in a strange tone.

"Ok ok, ill be there in a few."

I hang up the phone and grab a bunch of pillows and blankets and lay them out before putting the Lion King in the DVR and making some popcorn.

"Knock Knock!" Calum shouts from the door.

I run and open the door and envelope him in a hug.

"Hey babe." He says, kissing my nose and walking inside.

"Movie night?" He asks, laying down in the blankets.

I nod and lie down next to him. He wraps his arms around me. I grab the remote and press play.

In the middle of the movie Calum flips us around so that I'm facing him.

I giggle and plant a kiss on his nose.

He starts tickling my stomach and I start silently laughing, probably looking like a seal having a seizure.

He laughs at me and stops tickling me and pulls me in for a hug.

He starts silently singing heartbreak girl into my ear and rubbing my back.

"I love you." He whispers when he finishes the song.

I look in his eyes and see nothing but truth.

"I love you too." I say, kissing him passionately.

"And I will always want you," You start.

"Don't." He warns.


"You always ruin the moment." he says with a chuckle.

"Nope, I just brighten it." I say kissing his nose and putting my head in his chest.

"I really do love you Megan." He says, his hot breath on my neck.

"I love you too." I say before drifting into a deep sleep.


Sorry for the shortness I have a little tiny case of writers block, but ill get over it!

Hope you liked it Megankayhoran!


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