Cute Mike Fuentes Imagine

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I'm back, Hehe! Anyway! Mike Fuentes from Pierce The Viel is next ;)! -Yazi


Your POV:

You were in your bed, listening to your favorite band, Pierce The Veil, and of course every time you listened to them, your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't explain it, they were special, even though they had no idea who you are.

"I'm going to marry him." You had told your dad, when you first moved in, hanging up a picture of Mike Fuentes.

"Don't get your hopes up, (Y/N)." He had told you, but of course you did, and now your hopelessly in love with him and the rest of PTV. But, sadly, you knew it wouldn't happen.

You crank the music up and the headphones blast the best music ever made by human hand.

"(Y/N)!" You father called you down, and you turned the music off and threw the headphones on the bed and went downstairs.

You nod at him, as if to tell him to go on.

"I'm sorry, about what happened to Maya, I know you were-" He starts, but you cut him off, you've had enough sympathy.

Maya was your best friend of six years, and the moron texted while driving and drifted into the other lane, and a giant truck crushed her tiny car. Now when you say moron, you mean it as in, "hey, I'm trying to lighten the mood, not be mean".

"Dad, it's fine, I know you feel bad, but nothing can bring her back." You tell him, a but too harshly.

"Well, I got you something." He says, pulling out a pair of tickets from his back pocket.

"They were originally for both you and Maya, but...." He trails off, a voice full of sorrow.

"Thank you dad!" You say, running and giving him a hug, tears in your eyes. You wish Maya was able to come with you.

He hands you the tickets and you take them running upstairs and looking at them,

Pierce The Veil 2014 Warped Tour

You freak out and jump up and down you were so happy, you've always wanted to go to the warped tour, but they were always to far away, or you couldn't afford it.

You, of course, went to the concert with your best friend Kayla. You had been friends since ninth grade and she was awesome.


You had arrived at the concert and your dad had really gotten the whole deal, including back stage passes. You and Kayla walked inside together, wincing as you hear the screaming of the other fans.

Soon enough you were in your seats, but of course, you didn't actually sit, you were to excited. As other bands go on you wait anxiously for PTV. And soon enough they are on stage singing, they even have Kellin Quinn from SWS come up and join them to son King for a Day. You admit that it was awesome by the best part is when you made eye contact with Mike, your favorite member of PTV. He gives you a smile and you almost faint, its almost as if anything else didn't matter. When King for a Day ended Mike says that he has something to announce, and your afraid that he has proposed to his girlfriend or something but when the spot light lands on you, you freeze.

"Will you please come up here?" Mike asks and you nod, looking at Kayla who is smiling like a loon. You walk up to the stage and stand beside Jaime.

"I'm (Y/N)" You say with a nervous smile.

Mike looks at you nervously, "I called you up here because... I though you were pretty." He gives you a cheeky smile and the other boys start laughing.

"Fuentes gon' get it tonight" Oli (Oliver) Sykes shouts from backstage.

**Four years later**

"And I remember that she would have pictures of you and and she always said that she would marry you, I just didn't think it would actually happen. But I wouldn't want anyone else to have my baby girl's heart" My dad finishes his toast, letting a tear slip as he gives me a smile.

I look at Mike beside me, thinking there would be a look of tegret on his face, but instead, he looked like the happiest man ever. He catches me staring and looks over to me.

"I love you, ya know that, right" He asks. I nod.

"I love you too, Mikey." I tell him, bringing him closer to me and giving him a passionate kiss.

"Forever and always."

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