Cute Zayn Malik Imagine

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Dedicated to Kit! Hope ya like it!

Kit's POV:

I look over the edge.

I lost everything, my mom, my dad, my siblings and its all my fault, I just had to prove that I was worthy enough to get my divers license.

I killed my family, it's all my fault that they are gone, and nobody can blame anybody else.


"Come one dad!" I persuade him to let me prove that I'm worthy of my license.


The family gathers in the car and I take a seat in the drivers seat, putting the keys in the ignition and pulling out.

We drive about five minutes before my dad warns me that I'm drifting into the other lane.

Of course, I try to turn a little bit, to get back in my lane but my foot slips and the wheel is out of my reach.

The car swerved and the next things I see through my closing, bloody eyelashes is the hood of the car in a tree.


I had awaken a few days later to the news of my family.


Dead e cause of their stupid daughter, a selfish bitch who is worthless, ugly and doesn't deserve to live.

I look over the edge again, trying to decide if I really want this.

It doesn't matter what you want, your parents didnt get to choose what they wanted, a voice in my head told me.

I peek over the edge of the bridge and into the traffic below, knowing that I need to jump, or else ill be living in my own guilt.

I'd never be able to love, I'd never be able to get over it.

Because how could I ever tell someone that I killed my family.

I was the cause of their death.

It's all my fault.

My fault that my parents aren't bickering over little things at the kitchen table, drinking their coffee and reading articles in the daily newspaper.

My fault that my little brother isn't annoying me while I gossip with my friends on Facebook about celebrities.

My fault that my baby sister isn't crying at two in the morning, awakening the whole house and having to be fed again by my mom.

My fault that we aren't at the church, praying for a good life.

My fault, all my fault.

My fault that my sister never got to experience her first kiss, her first concert, her first boyfriend, her first party.

My fault that they are all dead.

I step forward and I am about to push forward when a voice comes from behind me.

"Please don't." The man sobs, "please don't jump."

I look down and jump, but the man catches my hand, causing me to look up into his beautiful brown eyes, my boyfriend Zayn.

His eyes that are filled with tears.

He pulls me up swiftly and easily.

"Don't ever do that again." He says, leaning in and pecking me on the lips.

I nod and lean into his touch.

-20 years later-

"Oh baby, I wish you could have been saved by your knight in shining armor." I tell my baby girl who had recently committed suicide by jumping off of our apartment building.

I caress her cheek, shivering at the cool touch.

I wipe my tears away from my eyes and I feel Zayn wrap his arms protectively around me.

"She never got to love Zayn." I tell him, falling into his touch.

"I know baby, I know." He says trying to stay strong but the pain in his voice is audible.

"Will she be ok up there?" I ask him, looking at the sky.

"She'll be better than ok, she'll be the princess up there." He says, kissing my cheek, causing his tears getting on my already wet cheeks.

"I love you baby." I whisper to her, letting go of her cheek and letting Zayn lead me to the seats.

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