Cute Trevor Moran Imagine

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Hello o2l. I have always wanted to say that! Anyways, this is a Trevor Moran imagine dedicated to myself because Trevor is meant for me, lol jk. Btw this is a short imagine

Yasmine' POV: I hate my name...

I was currently in the screaming crowd of teenage girls watching Trevor Moran sing his heart out and dance around the stage, happily. Trevor has always been my personal favorite out of o2l and when I found out that he would be performing in my home town, I cried a little.

As he sang, Trevor was pulling people from the front row onto the stage, and I was not in the front row, sadly. As he continued singing, he let the crowd sing certain parts and I sang along to the parts of thw songs that I know. Trevor scanned the crowd and I swear his eyes stopped on me for a few seconds, but it was probably just my fangirl imagination (AN: I accept that I am a fangirl :P). He continued to sing and then he stopped, looking to the floor for a second. He looked into the crowd again, letting his eyes settle somewhere near me, actually it looked like he was looking directly at me and I was priven right when his eyes met mine. He smiles slightly and then points to me and I probably look like a deer in headlights, so I point to myself. He nods and I make my way forward until I am up on the stage, directly next to Trevor himself. He looks over at me and smiles.

I look at him with a questioning look and he just chuckles lightly and shrugs, "You're pretty," He says simply. I probably looked like a bright, red tomato. He smiles and blushes lightly at what he said. He pulls the microphone away from his mouth and leans in and whispers, "Can I kiss you?". I just nod my head lightly, still in a lot of shock. He leans in and presses his lips to mine.


Short Imagine because it is 2:53 AM and I haven't made an imagine in like a month so yay! Does anybody read this anymore?


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