Wrong (Part 1)

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"Chris Evans looks like the professor who'd cheat on his wife with you and then write a New Yorker story/novel about it to revive his career." 
— brandonlgtaylor on Twitter

Summary: AU. You decided to take some English classes to help with getting into Law School after college. You hated English and Literature as a subject and thought nothing would spark up your motivation to learn. At first, you absolutely despised going to the class but that quickly changed when you met your professor (Chris). 

A/N: This will be a series for sure. I already have some parts written but I need to change some things. I've been waiting to finally post it. Now, I know professor-student relationships are very taboo and all that so if you are against that even as a fantasy, I suggest you skip this one.

Warning: this story will contain sexual scene(s), so be ready for that. For now, there's not really any warnings for this part, I think. Except thirsty reader, maybe...

English language and literature was never really something you were interested in. Sure you liked reading books from time to time and may have tried writing yourself but just as a subject literature was something you found a bit boring.

You blamed it on the teachers you had had during the years of studying all the way in elementary school. The teachers were always old, strict people who seemed to hate children. Them walking around the classroom with lengthy wooden pointers, looking at the students with their icy cold glares was something that terrified you and never made you feel motivated to learn. They basically ruined the whole subject for you.

Since you weren't very fond if the subject, you were not happy to hear that you had to take English classes since you had taken a path to Law School.

Well, it wasn't mandatory but you were told that it would help with your future career. You held onto that dream of doing work related to Law that you were ready to do anything to succeed. So, you decided to take some English classes along with majoring in Economics.

Getting to your class, you huffed as you swung your bag off of your shoulder and sat down next to a friend of yours who also happened to have his eyes set on Law School.

"Hey," your friend, Dave, said quietly while taking out his laptop, already opening a new file to write down notes during the class.

You only let out a grunt and slumped down on your seat, crossing your arms as you looked to the front of the classroom, seeing no teacher there yet.

Dave chuckled as he looked at the small pout on your lips. "Wow, good morning, sunshine," he said teasingly.

You sent a glare in his direction before straightening yourself on the seat and started picking out your supplies out of your bag. "This sucks," you muttered as you tossed your notebook on the table in front of you. "Firstly, I hate this stupid class. Secondly, I hate that this stupid class is in the morning." You almost growled at your friend as you aggressively threw your pencil case to join your notebook. "And lastly, my freaking laptop just shut down. This day couldn't get any worse," you complained and leaned back on your seat, waiting for the lesson to start.

"Could it be that you just forgot to charge it?"

"Shut up, Dave," you muttered, hearing him chuckle quietly.

"Okay, English is not that bad. It's actually pretty interesting! I mean all the stuff about—"

You placed your hands over your ears and started singing quietly to drown out the sound of him giving you information about the history of the English literature. He looked at you with narrow eyes and you removed your hands from your ears and placed them on the table in front of you. "You're so childish," Dave muttered and before you could respond, you heard the doors opening and someone stepping in.

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