Wrong (Part 3)

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A/N: This story is already so dirty and nothing has even happened between Chris and the reader... This story is moving pretty slow but I don't want to rush into anything. I don't want this story to be like, "Oh we've seen each other in the classroom twice, fucked 513215687 times already and I'm already in love with him" like, I hope you can be patient with me. Sorry it's taken so long to post this. If any of you have seen the message I posted on my profile, you know why. Sorry!

Warning: some description of sex (nothing too specific), cursing

Headboard banging against the wall, the mattress squeaking, pants heard from two people, one of them being you. Soft silky sheets between your fingers, sweat dripping down your warm body as moans erupted from deep within your throat. Rough hands gripped your hips as your cheek pressed against the mattress. Your mouth open, unable to close it as the blissful sounds made their way out of your parted lips.

Groans and grunts were heard from behind you as the grip on your waist got stronger. Suddenly, you were flipped around, pinned down to your back as you looked up at the man sharing the euphoric moment with you. Your hands pressed onto his muscular chest and you looked up at his face, beard framing his jaw while his lust blown blue eye were trained on you. A wave of pleasure shot through you and yet again, you moaned. This time, the name of the man accompanying you came out with the sound that pleasure forced out of you.

"Oh, Professor Evans..."

Suddenly, the obnoxious sound of your alarm clock made you jolt up in bed. It took you a while to clear your mind and register what had just happened. You turned to your nightstand and took your phone, turning off the alarm before sitting back on the bed and thinking through what you had dreamed about.

You had dreamed about Professor Evans again. The two dreams that you had had of him were both sexual. This one had gone a lot further than the previous one. You took a minute to breathe normally and sit still, waiting to see if you felt any different from the dream. Your eyes narrowed, feeling that familiar warmth. You also felt something very soft between your thighs and realized you had a pillow there. Apparently the dream had been so powerful, you had been grinding on your pillow in your sleep.

You let out a groan and cursed under your breath, feeling awfully frustrated by how turned on a damn dream had got you feeling. You took your phone in hand again and glanced at the time, wondering if you had enough time to take care of the little problem but were disappointed when you realized you had set an alarm for a little later. Having written the paper your professor had kindly asked you to write and return to him that day, you had needed to sleep a little later.

"Well," you huffed as you swung your legs over the edge of your bed. "I guess I'll be paying for my sinful dreams," you muttered dramatically as you grabbed your toiletries before going to the community bathrooms. "By suffering in my sexual frustration."

You scratched the back of your head and yawned as you walked through the halls to the bathrooms. You quickly went through your morning routine, ate a quick breakfast before going back to your room. You sat down at your desk, putting all that you needed in your bag before dressing into clothes that you were going to wear to your class. You really didn't feel like putting much effort into your appearance. You couldn't help but feel like you had to since a certain unbelievably attractive professor was going to be there but you just couldn't bother.

So you decided to take a moment and relax. You took your wallet from your bag and counted the exact amount of money you'd need for a coffee before getting ready to leave. You glanced outside and saw that it was drizzling so you grabbed an umbrella before putting on a jacket and threw your bag over your shoulder. You walked out of your dorm room and wished a good morning to some of your friends walking by before heading outside.

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