Wrong (Part 8)

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A/N: It's been super long, I know. I have been having a bit of a rough time mentally, so, haven't been writing much. I'll try to get stuff done faster from now on but I can't promise anything. I'm sorry for making you wait but sometimes I just don't feel so great and I can't really force myself to do something I don't feel like doing. I love writing but sometimes I may not just be in the mood for it. Thank you everyone for not pressuring me into writing and always come back to read my stories after I've been inactive for months. Thank you. I hope you enjoy this part for Wrong!

Warning: some slightly strong language?? maybe?? i guess??

Two days after you and Chris had the little talk, you found yourself dreading to go to his class. You woke up but stayed under the comfort of your warm duvet. You reached out for your phone and checked the time, although you knew exactly what time it was. Your alarm had gone off just a few seconds before.

You opened up your messages, typing a quick message to Dave telling him you were 'sick' and can't make it to class. You also politely asked him to send you pictures of the notes so you could copy them when you found the energy to do so. You then placed your phone on your bed and got up, stretching your arms and back before going over to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

As you were brushing your teeth the door to the community bathrooms opened, revealing Carly. "Hey," she said, taking in your tired form. "Are you okay?" She asked, worry flashing through her features.

"I feel a bit ill," you said while leaning your head back, mouth full of toothpaste. "I'm gonna stay in my room for the day."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said and moved over to the sink as well, starting to brush her teeth as well. "Do you want me to bring you soup or something? I need to head to class soon so it'll be microwaved but... still?"

You chuckled softly, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing your mouth with water. "You don't have to, but thank you."

"Just go to your dorm, I'll bring you some food soon," Carly called out as you started going back to your room.

"Thank you so much, I owe you."

She waved her hand dismissively and you sent her a small smile before going back to your room. You ignored all the weird and worried looks your dorm mates were giving you as they took in your appearance. Your hair was messy, your eyes had deep and dark circles underneath them and you were sure you looked exhausted and drained. It was clear that something was wrong but if anyone were to ask, you'd tell them you were sick. No sense in telling different lies to everyone, that way you'd risk getting caught.

You got to your room and made sure to leave the door unlocked before you plopped down on your bed. You grabbed your phone and saw that Dave had answered you.

"Really? You're going to miss out on professor Evans? Must be bad..."

You rolled your eyes and placed your phone on the mattress again, took your laptop from beside your bed and put on your favorite TV show. You heaved a sigh and fluffed your pillows, placing them against the wall so you could lean against them, getting comfortable to spend the whole day in bed.

A couple of minutes went by before the door opened. "Hey, here," Carly said and handed you a cup of soup. You thanked her quietly and started eating. "If you get lonely, you can call me up. You must be lonely without a roommate," she said as she headed to the door again.

"No, thanks. I'm good."

She nodded, "Alright, well... Hope you feel better soon," she said and exited the room, leaving you alone.

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