Wrong (Part 4)

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A/N: Sorry, it's been a while since I posted the last part. I actually have a couple of parts written in my drafts but something about them bugs me. I'm going to keep on working with them. This part, again, is a bit of a filler but there's something that is kind of important to the story. Hope you like this part! Also, sorry if your name is Carly but hey, you can picture another name for the reader's friend. Sorry again!

Warning: none??

Sitting on your bed in your dorm room with a friend, Carly, lying on top of the other bed that was completely empty since your old roommate had moved out, you munched on the tub of ice cream she had brought along. You looked at her, listened to her as she went on and on about the drama she was having with some boy. She told you he was in a relationship but was putting the moves on her. She had her legs up, feet resting on the wall beside her as she rested her head in one of the pillows you had thrown her way. She reached her hand out to you opening and closing her palm over and over again to tell you she wanted the tub of ice cream. You placed it on the floor and pushed it over to her, making it slide over to her without tipping over. She caught it effortlessly and took a spoonful off the dessert.

"So, what's going on with you?" Carly asked, sitting up and turning to you. "Got any drama with someone special?" She asked curiously, eyes trained on you as you pondered over whether to tell her or not. She picked up on your hesitation and decided to believe you indeed had some drama going on. "Oh, you do! Who?"

"There's no drama, really..." You sighed, looking at her to see her waiting for more information. "Just tension... On my part."

"Who is it?" Carly asked, practically jumping in excitement. You rolled her eyes, reminded of how people used to talk about their crushes when they were kids. Rolling your eyes more at the stupid things people would say. Oh, my God! He just glanced at me while looking around the playground. Does this mean he's in love with me?

You shook your head, biting your lip as your mind drifted off to think about your English professor and his incredibly good looks, body sculpted by the gods and the dreams he had appeared in. "I don't know if I should say."

"What?" Your friend asked, offended. "Why?"

You chewed on your bottom lip as your gaze fell to your lap. "If I tell you, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone."

She clapped her hands together and leaned forward, excited to hear what you were about to say.

"I'm serious, Carly. You can't tell anyone, not even your—especially not your mom. I know you're really close with her and tell her everything but you can't tell her."

"Why can't I tell my— Oh!" She exclaimed, lifting her hand up to her mouth. "Is it a professor?" She asked with her eyes wide.

You nodded.

"Oh yeah, I definitely can't tell mom. She's the counselor after all... Who is it?" She asked, slapping her hands on her thighs in excitement. "Is it Mr Feng? The history professor?"

You shook your head. "No, I haven't seen him but I've heard he's cute."

"He is! My, God! That man is so good looking," she said while dramatically fanning her face with her hand, making you chuckle. "But if it's not him, then who is it?"

You bit your lip again before muttering out, "Professor Evans."

Your friend stayed quiet, raising a brow at you. "The English professor?" She asked. "Really?"

You frowned at her slightly judging tone. "What?"

She shrugged. "You know... I bet he's really good looking but... the beard is kind of a turn off."

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