Wrong (Part 11)

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A/N: It took me a long time to get this part posted, I know... I apologize. I don't think I've ever had such a bad case of writer's block as I've been having for several months now. I don't really know what to do about this. I can't promise you that I'll get the next part up fast but I swear, I'm trying my best. Thank you for being patient. Anyway, this one is quite a short part, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

Warning: angst

Getting to your first lecture of the week was nerve-wracking to you. You had avoided everyone ever since you had gone back to the dorms on Saturday. It had been two days since you had properly spoken to any of your friends. It had been quite hard to avoid them, given that a couple of times someone had come knocking on your door.

You were chewing on your bottom lip nervously as your fingers fiddled with your keys that you were holding in your hands. You looked around, trying to spot Dave as you made your way to the class room.

Just as you were looking for him, you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You grabbed it, seeing a message from Dave. He told you he was running a little late and that he was stopping by a coffee shop and wanted to know if you were craving for something to drink.

You quickly texted him your order and continued your way to the classroom. Now that you knew Dave wasn't going to be there the second you stepped inside the room, you felt yourself relaxing a bit. You could think about what you were going to say to him. You thought about the possible questions he could ask you regarding your little shut-in over the weekend.

You got in the room and started walking towards your usual spot which happened to be at the front. You didn't want to make it seem like you were trying to get as far away from Chris as possible, although it did sound very tempting.

You took a seat, pulled out all the supplies you thought you'd need and decided to rest your eyes for a bit. You folded your arms on the desk and rested your head on them, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths.

You listened to the chatter between classmates. The noise grew louder and louder, letting you know the room was filling up with students. The lecture was about to start in a while.

As you heard the heavy door open once more, you stood up straight. Your eyes opened and breath hitched in your throat. You didn't know for sure who the person entering the room was but somehow you had a feeling it was the person you were dreading to see the most.

Fighting against the urge to look back and see who it was, you kept your eyes on the desk in front of you. You could hear the students' chatter becoming quieter as footsteps made their way towards to the front of the classroom, descending the few steps calmly.

You lifted your gaze up as the person made their way to the desk, confirming your suspicions.

It was Chris.

Seeing him after the weekend that felt like the longest one ever was like a punch to the gut. You had tried so hard to distract yourself from thinking about him and the time you spent together from filling your mind. Now that he was there in front of you, you realized just how much you had missed him.

You missed him.

Even when he was a couple of feet away from you, you missed him. He was physically there with you but he felt so far away.

The second he lifted his gaze off his desk after putting his things down, his eyes met yours. His blue eyes stared right into yours, showing the chaos of emotions he was experiencing. You gasped very quietly, feeling a weight on your chest. It hurt to even look at him.

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