Wrong (Part 6)

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A/N: I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE LAST UPDATED THIS STORY!!! I can't promise you it won't happen again. Anyway... Remember when I said I didn't want to rush into anything and take things slow with this story? Well, I don't know how that worked out, haha. I hope you like this part.

Warning: cursing

Walking up to Professor Evans's classroom, you took a deep breath, bracing yourself for what was about to happen.

You leaned against the wall next to the door leading to the classroom and waited until students started rushing out. When the largest wave of peole passed, you looked inside the room, seeing the professor talking with a student.

You walked inside, letting the door close as you started nearing the front of the class. Professor Evans glanced in your direction and sent you a small smile before finishing whatever he was discussing with the student. The student then thanked the professor and left, closing the door behind them.

You looked at the professor and he walked behind his desk, pulling a chair right next to his and inviting you to sit. You walked over to him slowly and sat down, setting your bag on the edge of his desk before turning to him. He opened up his folder and started searching through it.

"So... What did you do today?" He asked carefully, making some conversation to fill in the silence.

"Just hung out with some friends," you replied, looking down at your lap.

He hummed in response and made no further questions.

As he continued looking through different papers inside the folder, your mind wandered to what Carly and Dave had told you when you mentioned your little meeting with your English professor.


"He asked you to meet him in his classroom? Alone?"

You nodded.

"Oh, my God..." Dave sighed. "He's finally going to fuck you on his desk!"

"He totally is!" Carly joined in, laughing as she and Dave high fived.

You groaned and lied down on your bed. You placed your hands over your face and told them, "Fuck off, guys."

"But seriously, why would he ask you to meet him in private?"

"He wants to talk to me about my assignment. Apparently it's pretty shit."

"Really? Let me read it," Dave said.

"No," you laughed. "It's really bad."

Dave looked at Carly and placed a hand over the side of his mouth as if he could block his voice from you. "Wanna bet she wrote it badly on purpose?"

You rolled your eyes, picked up your pillow and threw it at him, something you seemed to do quite often.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she did."

"Seriously, you guys suck," you muttered angrily and sat back up, looking over at them to see them stifling their giggles. "He just wants to show me what's wrong with the assignment."

"Why would he do it in person, though?" Dave asked. "He doesn't do that with his other students."

"How do you know? And besides, maybe I'm just really bad and everyone else writes just fine."

"No," he said, very adamant to destroy your argument. "He sent me his comment via e-mail. And I had some problems with my writing."

"Yeah... Professors don't usually do this," Carly said, seeming very serious. "Oh, man... I wish Mr Feng did that..." She sighed dreamily and laid her head on Dave's shoulder.

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