Wrong (Part 2)

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A/N: Another part for Wrong. The first one pretty much... flopped. But some of you really seemed to like it so here's another one. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading it! Also, yes, this is my third day in a row posting something, DON'T EXPECT THIS TO BECOME A HABIT. I just need to get some stuff out of the way so I have room to write other things. 

Warning: sexually suggestive scene (didn't go as far as smut... it's a bit smut-ish)

Walking up to English class, you saw Dave making his way in as well. You jogged up to him and greeted him before the two of you went inside. Dave was about to take one of the seats in the middle of the room but you stopped him.

"Why don't we sit at the front?" You asked.

Dave looked at you in confusion but then rolled his eyes. "Sure." He shrugged and followed you to the front of the class. Surprisingly you took a seat right in front of Professor Evans' desk. "I see you're a little more dressed up than usual."

You raised a brow as you took out your laptop, setting it on the table. "Yeah, I woke up earlier. Had some time to work a little harder on my appearance. So?"

"You're trying so hard to impress the professor."

You shook your head, scoffing. "No, I am not." Before Dave could respond, you spoke up again. "Besides he's married so... That's that," you said and avoided Dave's gaze.

You heard the doors opening and closing and turned to look to the door only to see a couple of students coming in. Disappointed, you turned back to face your desk.

"So, did you finish the paper we needed to write?"

"What paper?" You asked in surprise. "Oh, God, we had an assignment?" You asked, slight panic rising.

Dave nodded and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. It's just one assignment," he told you and you nodded, hoping the assignment wasn't too important. "Besides, if he gets mad you can just push your breasts together, bat your eyelashes at him, maybe slip a tear or two, pout and hope he's into some kinky teacher and student stuff even though that could ruin both of your liv— Hey!" He yelled out as he felt your elbow making harsh contact with his ribs. You sent him a warning look and he kept quiet, realizing your professor had entered the class. Dave looked at you, seeing you smoothing out your clothes and checking to see if your hair was okay. He let out a scoff and turned to the front of the class.

"Good morning, everybody," Professor Evans said and set a cup of coffee on the desk. You had noticed he had a cup of coffee on the first lesson as well and wondered if he always brought coffee to his morning classes. "So, for starters, I'd like for you to give me your assignments. You can just return them to my desk before we start with the lesson," he said and every single person around you stood up from their seats to return their assignments while you sat there, chewing the inside of your cheek. You looked up at the professor and saw him glancing at you too while taking a sip of his coffee. He turned his gaze away from you and fixed the mess of a stack of papers, taking them in his hands and dropping the bottom of the stack to his table to line them up. You found your gaze wandering to his hands and bit your lip. He had such strong looking hands, a few veins popping on his skin. He placed the stack back on the table and grabbed his cup. You breathed in and out slowly as you saw his firm grab on the coffee cup but winced slightly as you saw the wedding ring again.

"Okay, now that you're all back in your seats," he started and put on his classes. "Let's move on," he said and took a book in his hand, skimming through the pages before finally choosing one and telling the whole class the page number.

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