Wrong (Part 12)

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A/N: So, I had a bit of a problem with this series... I knew where the story was going but needed a couple of chapters in between so it wouldn't seem too rushed. I conveniently had a part written ready for this story from long ago that kind of fit here. When I first started writing this story, I wrote like 12 parts or so but realized I didn't like how the story turned out so I started writing an alternate version from part three I think... And well, I liked it better so here we are now. Anyway, hope you like this part.

Warning: angst, mentions of male masturbation, didn't go into too much detail (it was a lot more graphic before but I felt too weird about it so I changed it up)

Sitting at his desk while staring at the screen of his laptop, Chris had his chin resting on his hand as his mind raced. He was trying to read through some assignments sent by his students but he couldn't focus. All he could think about was what had happened during the night taking place between Friday and Saturday of the previous week. He shook his head after realizing his mind had started wandering again. He turned his attention back to the assignment.

After trying to get past the first sentence for what felt like the hundredth time, he groaned in defeat and slumped back on his chair. The wheels turned, causing him to drift away from the desk slightly. He rested his elbow on the armrest and leaned his head on his hand, rubbing his temple as he fought the urge to just flip the table in front of him.

Usually when he was working, he could leave everything else aside, let them store in the back of his head and only focus on his work. He loved his job, he loved to teach other people and help them learn. When he worked, he could forget about everything else for a while. At least that was how it was before you came along.

He had seen the looks you had given him on the very first day you had seen him. He had heard the odd tone in your voice when he had called out your name as you answered, "Yes, sir." It sometimes sent shivers down his spine just thinking back on the very first time he had heard you speak.

Your answer had been so soft, so gentle yet there had been a little ounce of lustful tone laced in your voice. It had been clear that you felt some sort of attraction towards him. Granted, it hadn't been the first time Chris had recognized those feelings in a student before but for some reason, he found you to be different.

He couldn't quite wrap his finger around why he felt about you the way he did. Sure, he was physically attracted to you but there was something much more deep within you that intrigued him. He hadn't even known you for that long but he felt like he was already hooked. All it needed was a few interactions between the two of you and suddenly he was addicted.

The fact that the two of you had slept together wasn't making things any easier. The night kept repeating itself in his mind. He may had had something to drink but the whole night was crystal clear. He could still remember every little movement you had made, every little curve of your body had imprinted itself into his memory. It was like his hands never even left your body. He could still feel you.

He found his mind wandering to the night once again, the way you looked, the way you responded to every little touch, every little word that came out of his mouth. It was so refreshing to be with someone so enthusiastic, so full of passion and need for him. 

He could still hear your moans, whimpers, the curses that left your lips while your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. He felt your nails on his back, scratching his skin as you moaned out his name. He enjoyed having someone to please, someone to show him how good he made them feel. He enjoyed having someone to communicate with in such an intimate way and not feel like they were doing something just to get some relief themselves.

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