Wrong (Part 9)

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A/N: Don't have much to say about this part. It gets a bit heated... Well, actually it's just straight up smut... You can expect more of it as the story continues. I can't say how much exactly. This story is still a it of a question mark for me. I have some ideas how this story is gonna turn out but, nothing is for certain. But, yeah, if smut is not really your thing then I suggest you skip the rest of this story.

Warning: cursing, infidelity, SMUT, oral sex (both female and male receiving), protected intercourse. 

Stumbling into Chris's house with his hands on your hips and lips connected to yours, you shrugged off your coat from your shoulders, dropping it to the ground along with your purse. You giggled against Chris's lips as he struggled with his own jacket. He growled in frustration before finally taking off his jacket, making you stop giggling and throw your arms over his shoulders, deepening the kiss.

You pulled his face closer to you by the back of his neck, fingers toying with the strands of his hair. His hands moved to your back as his big, strong arms circled your waist, pulling you right against him. You ran your tongue over his bottom lip which caused him to open his mouth in anticipation. He waited for your tongue to run over his, to make him taste the liquor you had consumed right before leaving the bar but instead, your teeth trapped his bottom lip. You pulled back, making him moan as his lip was tugged teasingly.

You let his bottom lip free and leaned in again, crashing your lips onto his. You shook your foot letting your heel fall to the ground. Thanks to Chris's strong grip on you, you barely wobbled at all even though you were balancing yourself on one leg at a time. You then took your other shoe off too and dropped it on the floor, not caring how carelessly you were throwing your things around his house.

He took off his own shoes as well and slammed the front door shut behind him before he started leading you up the stairs.

"Bedroom?" You asked, placing your hands on his chest, pushing him away slightly to look him in the eye. He nodded, breathing heavily while running his hands up and down your sides. You shuddered under his gentle touch and pulled away completely. You grabbed his hand and started jogging up the stairs. You turned to the first door you saw but Chris pulled you back, nodding his head towards the door on the other side of the hall.

He grasped both of your hands in his, pulling you slowly towards the room. He kept his eyes on yours, smiling at you faintly as the two of you stepped inside the room. He pulled you towards him, placing his hands on your back as he looked for a zipper.

You placed your hands on his forearms, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing. He gave you a surprised look, a little concerned even. You placed his hands on your hips and guided them to the hem of your dress. "This doesn't have a zipper," you said, smiling.

Chris chuckled and grabbed the hem of your dress, starting to pull it up your body. Your breath hitched as you saw him move his eyes slowly in sync with the movements of his hands. You felt his cool knuckles along with his even colder ring make contact with your thighs and you whimpered at his torturing, slow movements. You tried to pull his face towards yours again but he stayed still, keeping his eyes on you.

After he had pushed the hem up to your waist, he kept one hand there to keep the clothing up while his other hand cupped your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned against his touch, enjoying the feeling of his rough hand gently stroking your skin. You opened your eyes to see him looking at you adoringly.

"You are so beautiful," he said, making your cheeks heat up with the sincere compliment. "Absolutely breathtaking."

You smiled and moved his hands away, pulling the dress off of you as swiftly as you could. You discarded the item of clothing onto the floor, starting the pile of clothes that you knew would gather there when you two really got in the zone. 

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