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Hoseok didn't go to the flower shop the next day, as he was running extremely late again, but there lay a bouquet of flowers at the front desk.

"These are for you, Hoseok. I hope they're okay!

He grinned to himself, picking up the bouquet of asters, placing his card over the scanner on the door and letting himself in. The corridors were completely barren and it freaked Hoseok out a little, sent a horrid feeling to his stomach. He truly hated being alone.

After practically sprinting up the corridor and slamming his way into the recording studio, he rest the flowers on the recording set and took off the piece of paper with Yoongi's writing on it, and swept away before Youngjae could catch him.

"Did you like the flowers?" Yoongi asked over the phone, anticipating Jungkook to come out of school so he could walk him to the (closed, until he returned) flower shop.

"Yeah! Youngjae loved them, I really appreciate it. How did you know I would run late?"

Yoongi's heart sank. Those flowers were for Hoseok, did he not say clear enough? Should he have underlined you? Should he have texted him telling him he left flowers for him?

"That's...that's nice. Look, I have to go, Jungkook's coming out. Bye." Yoongi hung up the phone in a rush and hid it in his pocket, his hands automatically balling into fists and a vein becoming more prominent. While his phone continuously rang with text alerts from Hoseok, his head fell backwards against the school gate, swearing gently under his breath.

"What's up, hyung?" Jungkook piped up from beside the older; he hadn't even noticed he was stood beside him.

"Oh, nothing kiddo. It's okay, are we heading to the shop?" Yoongi quickly changed the subject, deciding not do burden a younger boy with his problems.

"Of course we are!" Jungkook excitedly took Yoongi's arm in both of his hands, pulling on it gently and refusing to let go while they walked.

"Ah, how did I manage to get such a cute cousin~" Yoongi cooed, ruffling Jungkook's hair, much to his disappointment. A very loud noise of disapproval escaped the younger as his hands flew up to fix his hair.

"As your cousin, and your closest relative, it is my job to ask you, what is actually wrong? I can tell you're bothered by something." Jungkook tugged repeatedly and gently on Yoongi's arm, as if enough tugs would make the words fall from his lips.

"Just feel...slightly under appreciated. That's all." Yoongi pried Jungkook's hands off his and threw his arm around his shoulder, continuing to walk.

"Who is it? You don't have many friends, no offence..." Jungkook hid away from the glare of his elder, managing to shimmy himself under Yoongi's arm and against his side completely to hide his face.

"Well, it isn't you or Namjoon, that's for sure. It's that kid, Hoseok." Yoongi pulled a pair of rusty keys from his back pocket and used his spare arm to unlock the flower shop door, letting Jungkook walk in before him and turn on the lights. Winter was starting to dawn, and it was already dark at four in the afternoon.

"Do you want me to beat his lights out?" Jungkook raised his fists in an attempt to look a lot harder than his cute face gave off to be.

"No, no, that's not necessary. I gave him some flowersㅡ"

"Does hyung have a crush?" Jungkook teased.

"Let me finish! I gave him some flowers to thank him for visiting our shop a lot and they were intended for him, but he gave them to that Youngjae guy that he likes."

"He probably just didn't think about it. You aren't exactly close enough friends to give each other flowers and automatically assume it's for you." Jungkook didn't even bother to lift the countertop, he just slid over it.

"Do you have to be so extra?" Yoongi complained and lifted the countertop, going in the normal way.

"It's not my fault I'm more athletic than you!" Jungkook called and very nearly received a smack across the head.

"I'm still taller than you!"

"Not for long you're not!"

"I hate to admit, the boys correct. Both me and your mother are short. My brother is a lot taller than I am." Sang called and waved his secateurs in the air as a greeting, spinning around to his son and nephew.

"Told you so! Thank you, uncle Sang!" Jungkook dodged Yoongi's multiple hits and almost choked on his laughter, squeaking when Yoongi wrapped his arms around the boy and trapped his arms by his sides. "Hyung, stop abusing me!"

"Never!" Yoongi shouted and lifted the younger off his feet slightly, launching him a few centimetres away.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Both boys looked to see who had talked.

DAILY FLOWERS ⌲ MYG + JHS (WITHHELD)Where stories live. Discover now