kaffir lily

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The rain wasn't a giant help, running was a whole lot harder when he couldn't see where he was going. At multiple occasions he had to stop and recollect, scouting his surroundings as fast as he could. He never expected Youngjae to have moved so fast, it was obvious the boy had either ran home or stopped at somebody else's house. Hosoek wouldn't be surprised if he found Youngjae with another guy, as horrible as it was to say. Right now though, that didn't matter because he wasn't exactly going to the boy to apologise to him.

In around ten minutes, after slipping on multiple muddles and bumping into many people, he was panting and knocking on Youngjae's door. The impulse to be with Yoongi was very strong at the moment, the quicker he could get this over with, the better.

"Hoseok? Is that you?" He heard Youngjae speak quietly, and for once, he felt nothing.

"Open up." Hoseok panted, trying his best to collect more courage than he had at the moment. It wasn't that he wasn't confident, it was that he wasn't that confident.

The door swung open, and Hoseok guessed Youngjae was expecting the boy to begin to apologise, but by the look on his face it was obvious he was there for a different reason. "Come in." Youngjae moved out of the way and allowed Hoseok to come in, but he didn't go very far.

"Youngjae, we need to-"

"I don't want you seeing Yoongi anymore." Youngjae interrupted, a harsh glint in his eye and arms crossed across his chest.

"What the hell?" Hoseok's voice was raising, anger bubbling in his gut and slowly causing him to feel sick.

"You have to pick between me and him. When you pick me, you aren't allowed to see him anymore. I would advise saying goodbyeㅡ"

"I'm not picking you," Hoseok snapped, and that sure stunned his (now ex-boyfriend) into silence. "Yoongi didn't try and make me make that choice. I deserve someone who treats me better than you do."

"I treat you really well though, Hoseokie..." Youngjae reached forward to the boy, who backed away and into a line of coat hooks, containing one of Hoseok's jackets and one of his small umbrellas which he always kept stuffed in the pocket. He was lucky he was always over prepared.

"No, you don't! You don't listen to what I say, you interrupt me while I'm talking about things you aren't listening to, you check out other guys and try and prevent me from seeing the people I care about! Stop with this bullshit, Youngjae. It isn't going to work," Hoseok yanked the jacket down from the hanger, throwing it over his shoulders while Youngjae watched him in silence. "Maybe you can go out with that boy from the coffee shop, you know, now that you're actually single."


"No more waiting, Youngjae-ah. I fucked up big time waiting, and I'm not missing any more chances. I'm sorry, but you're just not the guy for me, Youngjae. You will find someone better, I promise. Goodbye." Hoseok pressed a final kiss against Youngjae's cheek, and almost fell back out of his house while attempting to undo his umbrella.

In all honesty, Yoongi wasn't expecting Hoseok to come back. He was expecting to be alone for the rest of the night, left to tend to his flowers and head off to bed and yet again, be alone.

Everything that had happened in the last fifteen minutes did feel very much like a blur. Coming so close to kissing Hoseok, a boy he had liked for at least a month and a half at this point, but rejecting him. Deep down he knew he did the right thing, but now he was doubting if he would ever get to do it. If Hoseok decided that he wanted to try again with Youngjae, he might never have a chance and this crush might spread out to the ends of the earth and completely consume Yoongi.

After twenty minutes, the rain was still pouring but Yoongi needed to begin to close up for real. Lucky for him, his hair dye had completely settled and wouldn't run, so he decided to brave the weather and go out into the rain, keys cold in hand and ready to lock up. Of course, he knew he would get soaked, but he really did have to close the shutters. His dad kept telling him off for not doing it.

Midway through closing the second and last shutter, loud footsteps echoed along the pavement. Yoongi immediately let go of the metal, spinning and grinning as he watched an umbrella bob in what was seemingly midair, and his grin widening if possible when he saw the owner of the umbrella was indeed Hoseok.

"You came back." Yoongi's grin settled to a pleasant smile when Hoseok came close enough to fit Yoongi under his umbrella too.

"I forgot my umbrella." Hoseok spoke quietly, his cheeks quite red and hand shaking, causing the umbrella to shake too. It was awfully cold.

"You're holding the umbrella above us, love." Yoongi teased with a quick eye roll, meaning nothing but affection in his tone.

"Oh, yeah..." Hoseok's eyes lifted to the umbrella, which was no longer shaking but still shielding them from the violent rain.

"Here," Yoongi took the umbrella and put it down, immediately causing them both to soak. "Kisses in the rain are more romantic, right?"


There wasn't any time for waiting, most certainly not this time. There was hands on the back of Hoseok's neck and before he knew it, Yoongi had pulled their faces together so they were sharing the same oxygen. Neither were expecting it to be as rough at is was, maybe they were expecting something more romantic, but neither cared. Both were tired sick of waiting and playing games, pretending that there was nothing there when there most clearly was.

The two boys didn't even attempt to pull away until they were left panting for breath, wet foreheads pressed together and wrinkling fingertips clinging onto each other's bodies.

"We're going to catch a cold if we don't go in, c'mon." Yoongi reluctantly pulled away and chuckled quietly at the whine that left Hoseok, moving as quickly as he could to pull down the final shutter and lock it up, practically dragging the other into the store. He eyed the bouquet of flowers on the countertop, a bouquet of kaffir lilies, and then Hoseok, and settled on the thought that the second was so much more beautiful.

props to rach aka dwadleaves for the umbrella line, i found it hilarious and had to put it in.
okie dokie. later kidarinos

-nicola, aka brat

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