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That night, Hoseok didn't go home. He decided on staying with Yoongi overnight in his apartment, after agreeing to help him set up many bouquets of flowers. Turns out the store was slowly increasing in popularity, and with only four employees to handle all of the orders it was becoming a much harder job. Luckily, Umji had agreed to come in to help. Right now, though, it was Hoseok and Yoongi.

"So...Jungkook has a crush on that girl, Somi?" Hoseok asked, a shocked undertone to his voice.

"He does. Ever since we began going to the coffee shop, he's had his eye on her," Yoongi cut into the stem of a euphorbia, muttering an apology. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"You just apologised to the flower!" Hoseok spoke over his laughter, dropping his secateurs and placing his hands palm down on the table, attempting to steady his laughter.

"I just caused it pain!" Yoongi whined, his voice higher pitched. "Flowers have feelings!"

"Whatever you say, hyung." Hoseok breathed out through pouted lips to finally calm himself down, letting a quiet scoff of a laugh to escape but soon simmering down.

"Stop bullying me." Yoongi muttered, sticking out his bottom lip and continuing to cut the stems of the flowers to size.

"Sorry," Hoseok spluttered, falling back into another pit of laughter. Yoongi let out another loud whine, stomping one of the feet and causing his newly made flower crown to tilt on his head. "Ah, your crown fell."

"It won't be the only thing falling in a second." Yoongi complained under his breath, but not being able to conceal the smile on his face when the taller came closer and moved the crown back to its original position, giving him a smile as an apology.

"Feisty," Hoseok teased then skidded out of the older's reach, only just dodging the balled up fist that was aimed to punch him. "Violence!"

"Can we please just make these bouquets?" Yoongi complained, digging his secateurs into another euphorbia's stem.

After another ten minutes of quiet, it was interrupted by loud knocking, which echoed through the entire store. Yoongi's hands stopped dead, halfway through a stem. His head snapped to look at Hoseok, who was already glancing at him with a confused look. "Are you expecting anyone?"

"No...will you get it?" Yoongi muttered timidly, his cheeks painting slightly red. "I don't really like this kinda horror movie shit."

"I'll get it, you wait here, okay?" Hoseok moved towards Yoongi and pressed a supporting kiss to the side of his head, removing the keys from his back pocket as he did so. A slight giggle left Yoongi, and Hoseok let out a laugh that sounded more like a scoff.

He proceeded forwards towards the door and Yoongi's hand gripped tighter around his secateurs, as a form of coping and protecting himself. The noise of keys joined with the persistent knocking, and once it was open Hoseok was stumbling backwards and Youngjae was stomping into the store, his face completely drenched in water and anger.

"You, Jung Hoseok, are not fucking leaving me," He hissed, making an attempt to grab at his ex-boyfriends shirt, but to no avail. Hoseok almost fell over his feet trying to move backwards, cracking his back on the countertop rather violently. "You are mine and you are not being anybody else's. You hear?"

"Youngjae!" Yoongi shouted rather angrily, an unamused look in his eyes and quite obviously on the rest of his face. Neither Hoseok or Youngjae had seen this look before, and it sent a chill to the core. For such a nice person, his glares were deadly. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Coming into my fucking store and demanding your ex-boyfriend that he gets back together with you?"

Yoongi had now moved outside of the protection of the counter, slamming down his secateurs roughly and then forcing the gate back down. "He doesn't want to be with you, Youngjae! You might not want him to leave you but guess what, it's not your fucking choice! If Hoseok wants to leave you he can leave you, breaking up is not a compromise. You are horrid to him, and he deserves better than you. Get out of my store." Yoongi watched with a scowl as Youngjae scurried out without a word, leaving the door hanging open and letting the rain pour in.

There was complete silence until Hoseok moved, spinning Yoongi around and moving them back, closing the door before pushing Yoongi against it, hugging him as tightly as he could. Strings of thanks were muttered against Yoongi's neck, and when Yoongi's arms wrapped around Hoseok's waist he felt so much more loved than he ever did with Youngjae.

"Anything for you, Hoseokie." Yoongi whispered into his ear, not being able to muster any other words. He was way too comfortable, with Hoseok's head pressed into his neck and his arms having slipped from his neck to his sides, two thumbs pressing into his waist and almost making him unravel in the others arms. Both decided to not move, one of Hoseok's hands moving to lock the door again and then pressing into his partners back, sneaking under his shirt.

"Hey, I realised I never asked you something." Hoseok muttered into his neck, pulling away and not being able to contain a smirk as an unamused whine left Yoongi.

"What is it?"

"I never asked you to be my boyfriend. So...will you be my boyfriend?"

Yoongi pulled on his now boyfriends neck and kissed him rather roughly, threading a hand into his hair and pulling on it just the tiniest amount, a smirk on his face when he could feel Hoseok's mouth drop open.

"Is that a good enough answer?" He spoke after a few minutes, his lips brushing against Hoseok's after every word he spoke. After receiving a nod, he then pushed his body as close as he could to Hoseok's (and I mean, everywhere) and kissed him again.

Hoseok would have continued, quite happily, but an unhappy groan of pain escaped him when he moved his back a certain way.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi muttered halfway down his neck, abandoning the large hickey he was attempting to leave and letting it stay as an ordinary sized one.

"My back, when I moved back against the counter..." Hoseok whined, removing a hand from Yoongi's waist to hold onto it, complaining under his breath.

"Here, we can continue with this some other time. We'll go upstairs and sleep, okay?" Yoongi took both of Hoseok's hands and pulled on them gently, guiding him for the second time up towards Yoongi's apartment.

This time, Hoseok wasn't as awkward about where he slept. Instead of forcing him and Yoongi to sleep separately, he hopped straight in next to Yoongi and moved as close as he could, two arms wrapping around the older's waist. When their legs tangled together and quiet goodnights were exchanged, everything just seemed content. Everyone was content.

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