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Hoseok ended up napping more than he did sleep that night. Upon realising that the bed he was in actually wasn't his, the shirt he was wearing wasn't his, and that it smelt extremely like Yoongi. It took a lot of effort to part himself from the bed, pulling on his jeans which rest abandoned by his side. He left the shirt on, as it mostly fit, and seemed to give him some comfort.

"Ah, good morning Hobi-ah," Yoongi spoke from the stove, having two cracked eggs in a pan. "You're up early. Jungkook isn't even up yet."

"What time is it?" He muttered groggily, balling up his fist and rubbing it against his sleep filled eyes in an attempt to wake himself up.

"It's just after six. I got up early to get Jungkook a clean uniform for school." Yoongi transferred the eggs from the pan to a plate, placing said plate on the table alongside a plate of bacon, and another of sausages.

"Do you make breakfast this extravagantly everyday?" Hoseok whispered as he sank down into the chair next to Yoongi, staring at the amount of food.

"No, I'm making my guest feel welcome," Yoongi teased - maybe intending to flirt - and nudged the other with his shoulder. "I should go wake up Jungkook. He hates eating cold food."

The older placed his hand over Hoseok's briefly, squeezing it in a supportive manner and then excusing himself from the table.

"Good idea." Hoseok bowed slightly in thanks for the food and watched Yoongi walk away, his face dusted with red from the short presence of Yoongi's hand on top of his.

Youngjae, his mind whispered.
Yoongi, his heart whispered.

The black haired boy strolled up the path to his studio with a bouquet of wedelias in his hand, his feet lagging behind him as he debated loudly in his head.

"Do I give them to Youngjae? Do I keep them for Yoongi?" He whispered out loud after a while, deciding that talking would be easier than thinking.

The ribbon felt rough between his fingers, rubbing the two ends together in an attempt to quicken his decision, a feeling of irritation beginning in his gut. How, and why, did this happen? It can't be possible to like two people at once, right?

Maybe it would just take time, he said to himself a lot during the night before. Perhaps his feelings for one of the boys would fade, but he didn't particularly know who he would be willing to lose. His feelings for Youngjae had bloomed overtime, growing up to a point that can't be considered as love. Love didn't seem a possibility when it came to thinking of a future with Youngjae, as much as he wanted to believe that there could be. He wanted to love Youngjae.

Love with Yoongi, now that seemed more believable. Obviously, at this point he did not love Yoongi. They had only known each other a week and a half and only talked for short periods of time - times when Hoseok was going to do something for Youngjae. Despite this, he truly thought that if he was given time, patience and an opportunity, he could date Yoongi sometime.

That plan all came crashing down when he ran into Youngjae, who was also holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi, hyung." Youngjae muttered, shyly shoving the flowers out in front of him with both hands. Hoseok's heart actually didn't flutter.

"" Hoseok took the flowers and exchanged them for the wedelias in his own hands.

"I wanted to ask you if you'd...go out with me." Youngjae admired the flowers as a distraction as he talked.


"Yoongi hyung, please..." Namjoon held a slightly shaking Yoongi against his body, running a hand through his brown hair in an attempt to comfort his upset elder.

"He-he...Youngjae...bought flowers to ask out Hoseok..." Yoongi choked into the taller's neck, refusing to completely let down his guard and sob. It was silly, in his opinion, being upset over a boy he had a crush on for a grand total of five days.

"How do you know he will say yes?" Namjoon frowned at the slight croak in Yoongi's tone, as he had slowly and nearly altogether slipping into satoori.

"Because Hoseok has a crush on him! I'm not dumb, Namjoon-ah! I lost my chance before I even had one!" Yoongi stamped an upset foot on the floor, clinging on a tad harder to the other.

"I'm sorry, hyung. God, I'm sorry."

It would have been okay, as okay as it could get, if Hoseok and Youngjae hadn't walked past the window, holding hands.

Hoseok looked into the shop as Yoongi pulled his face from Namjoon's neck, his cheeks wet and red from crying. His eyes were slightly puffy and his hair was tossed. To say the least, Hoseok looked horrified.

He tried to get in, but the door was locked.

He made eye contact with Yoongi, but all he did was storm towards the window and rip down the blinds, plunging the pair into darkness and leaving Hoseok and Youngjae confused on the other side.

Yoongi didn't know where to place himself.

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