dutch iris

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Despite feeling extraordinarily awkward doing so, Hoseok came to realise that he did have to visit Yoongi again sometime. The only way he knew how to do that was to visit the flower shop, which felt like unsafe territory to him nowadays. There was multiple times where he had caught sight of Jungkook with two of his friends (who he named Yugyeom and Bambam) and the younger walked past as if he had no idea who Hoseok was. It was difficult to admit that it hurt him.

He couldn't say he was surprised when Namjoon started to stop coming over to his boyfriends house, simply because Hoseok lived alongside him. It wasn't that Namjoon had anything held against Hoseok, of course he didn't, it was because the last time he had visited was a tad...intrusive.

To say the least, Hoseok asked a lot of questions about Yoongi's wellbeing. Namjoon refused to answer.

Two weeks of a relationship with Youngjae and two weeks of being ignored by Yoongi passed by excruciatingly slow for the black haired male, forcing himself to believe to a certain point that he had done the right thing. Everything still felt unnecessarily wrong, nonetheless. His relationship with Youngjae was okay, it wasn't anything to be worried about. The two were close, no closer because of their relationship, but when his arm was around Youngjae's waist and his lips were on Youngjae's, it didn't feel right. It didn't feel wrong, but it felt abnormal, like it shouldn't be happening. It felt as if he was sinning in some sort of horrid way, something that whatever holy spirit there was would never forgive him for. Let it be Hell or karma, whatever fate there was Hoseok felt as if he would experience it once his time was up.

In reality he should have linked this back to Yoongi. He should have done so two weeks ago, after Youngjae kissed Hoseok for the first time and it wasn't right. Maybe, in some way, Hoseok will soon come to realise receiving kisses from Youngjae isn't that bad, but he shouldn't have to get used to it. If he liked Youngjae right from the get go, he shouldn't be uncomfortable, right?

Hoseok's mind was all over the place when he plucked up the courage to finally enter the flower shop, barely even hearing the bell ring above him indicating his arrival anymore. His mouth opened to speak, but no words escaped. Reason number one: he wasn't exactly sure what he was going to say. Reason two: Yoongi wasn't there.

"Hey, Hoseok hyung." Namjoon smiled and knocked his knuckles under his chin, holding up his head. His other hand was pushing a watering can towards Sang, who had his eyes on a set of flowers on the counter.

"Hey, Namjoon-ah. Mr.Min." Hoseok bowed politely towards the two, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Yoongi's best friend and Yoongi's dad...great.

"What kind of flowers are you in for this time?" Namjoon hopped out of his seat and ducked under the counter, not even bothering to push it upwards. It wasn't exactly a graceful move, but it would do.

"Ah...I wasn't coming in for any flowers but I guess I could get some!" Hoseok dipped a hand into his coat pocket and willed for his wallet to be there, which it thankfully was. He thanked the force above. "What do you recommend? I'm not brilliant with flowers."

"Hmm...from the flowers you bought previously, I would say some Dutch Iris' would do you brilliantly." Namjoon led him first to a set of blindingly white flowers, cupping it with his middle and forefinger. Next, he showed him the yellow version and purple version, mimicking his previous actions with the white flowers. All versions were beautiful, and the yellow ones were dragging Hoseok in.

"Can I have a bouquet of white ones, and a single yellow one?" He pulled out a note for the bouquet, and the loose change he could collect for the single flower. After counting the coins, Namjoon nodded with a generous smile and took the mentioned flowers away.

Hoseok's heart was racing in his chest when he saw the two completely different but completely identical flowers. Honestly, he wasn't sure why he hadn't asked for a bouquet of yellow ones, seeing as his heart and latched onto them so hard. The single flower lay beautifully set out on the counter, as the bouquet managed to look cramped despite it also looking beautiful.

Hoseok only picked up the bouquet.

"Will you give that flower to Yoongi? It's part of my apology, you see." Hoseok requested with a bow and a thankful grin, almost (what he would call, gracefully) falling over his feet while trying to escape the tension in the flower shop's air.

"Yoongi, hyung...Hyung!" Namjoon was growing impatient from the ignorance from his elder. His knocks on the apartment door were becoming sharper and were starting to make his fist ache, but he powered on, the stem of the single Dutch Iris clutched in his other curled up hand. "This damn flower's going to die."

"What flower?" Yoongi muttered from behind the door, sitting with his back uncomfortable pressed into the wood, his newly and secretly dyed pink hair shielding his puffy eyes from the public eye.

"The flower Hoseok left you..." Namjoon left his fist against the door, letting it fall when the door inched open ever so slightly and leaving Namjoon in a state of shock. "Oh my God! Sang hyung!"

"No!" Yoongi tried to press his door back into its frame, but Namjoon was overpowering, pushing against the door with such force that it came open and revealed the mess of Min Yoongi. The stray flower stayed in Namjoon's palm, now slightly damaged but beautiful none the less. It was like the flower, at this moment, represented Yoongi.

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