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a/n beforehand: you know what joke i'm bouta make


"Oh no, of course not. My cousin over here was just going to go back to work. You don't normally come around twice in one day. What's up?" Yoongi smiled at Hoseok, leaning his elbows against the counter and letting his cousin practically cower behind him from the presence of the new-ish company.

"I want some more flowers, obviously!" Hoseok grinned, darting around the wet patch on the floor from the watering can Sang was heaving around. His eyes moved from Yoongi's head (which has a flower crown of - fake - carnations on it) to the pink flowers which seemed to dominate the store.

"Those ones are pretty," Hoseok moved towards the real carnations, stroking a delicate finger over one of the many packed together petals. "How much is it to buy just one?"

"One fifty." Yoongi moved over (much to Jungkook's dismay) and picked up a suitable flower, holding it up to Hoseok's view, cradling the flower head in his palm.

"You really love flowers, don't you?" Hoseok shoved a hand into his pocket and picked out change instead of his wallet, counting up one fifty in his hands.

"I've grown up with them, so yes. I really love flowers," Yoongi confirmed, a small smile finding it's way onto his lips. "Are you planning on buying it?"

Hoseok raised his voice a small bit, as he spoke over the rain beginning to fall from the sky. "Yeah, just the one. I'm all out of tenners, sadly."

"What a pity." Yoongi teased, shoving Hoseok's shoulder lightly. He then took the flower and placed it on the counter, returning to his usual spot behind the desk. This time he did not pick up a ribbon ("Yoongi, you can't use ribbons on everything, we're running out." "You can't tell me how to live, dad." "Yes I can.") but a piece of coloured string.

The rain was getting heavier by the second, and Yoongi could clearly tell that Hoseok was getting worried.

"If you don't want to go out in the rain, I live upstairs..." Yoongi handed back the flower, his entire face covered in red. "I hope whoever you are giving the flower to likes it!"

"I hope you like it too." Hoseok grinned, and handed the flower back. If it was possible, Yoongi's face got redder.

"Wh-huh?" Yoongi took the flower, his hand slowly raising to remove his flower crown from his head. He placed both next to each other, and his grin finally broke through. "For me?"

"I realised after I gave those flowers to Youngjae that they were meant for me, and I would rather buy you a single flower so you can make a bouquet of your own," Hoseok grinned and ran a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead and leaving it on show. Yoongi's heart sped up. "Also, I'm up for staying here until the rain dies down."

"Can-can I stay too, hyung?" Jungkook, who had disappeared into the back of the store, muttered while poking his head out of the doorway.

"Well I'm not going to send you out in the rain, am I?" Yoongi grinned and threw a stray piece of string at Jungkook's head, and it landed on the ends of his fringe.

The room was silent and unmoved, until Hoseok burst into a fit of laughter. Yoongi discovered that day that strong fits of laughter from Hoseok were very contagious.

"Should we close up and go upstairs? My dad's gone home to Yongsun, so he isn't up in the flat." Yoongi swung the store keys on his finger, stray rings that were too big for him shaking as he did so.

"Who's Yongsun?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook spun the open sign to closed and Yoongi was locking up the sharp equipment.

"My dad's girlfriend. He met her last year, she's very nice. She had a daughter young, like how he had a son young."

"I thought he looked awfully young. How old is he, if you don't mind me asking?" Hoseok leaned against the counter, next to where Yoongi had situated himself, and watched as Jungkook pulled down a set of curtains at the window.

"He's thirty nine. He had me when he was eighteen, and I'm twenty one now." Yoongi smiled when Jungkook stumbled back over to his hyung, claiming his position at his side.

"You're older than me, that's so not fair," Hoseok grumbled under his breath. "I'm certainly older than Jungkookie here, though! I'm twenty!"

"You're the same age as Namjoon, nearly. Shall we go up?" Yoongi motioned up to the stairs, and Jungkook was the first to bolt up through the back to Yoongi's apartment door. Yoongi was about to follow, when he was held back.

"I mean it when I said I hoped you like the flower," Hoseok looked down at the floor, his hand delicately placed on the other's arm. "I'm sorry away the bouquet."

"I can make you another bouquet sometime. For you." Yoongi grinned, removing Hoseok's hand and placing his own around the others wrist.

"Just for me?"

"Just for you. Now, let's go up!" With Hoseok in one hand and a stray carnation in the other, Yoongi practically dragged Hoseok across the wooden floor and towards the stairs to his apartment.

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